Who wants to vote for what will happen to Donald Trump over the January 6th investigation?

Cody69's Avatar
Who wants to vote what will happen to Donald Trump over January 6th fiasco?

Millions of dollars spent for the investigation and two years later. It only took six years to see his taxes that he wanted to show himself once he was no longer under Audit.

What happened to Hillary with the emails? Nothing

What happened to Hillary with the Benghazi hearing? Nothing

What will happen with Hunters Laptop?

What will happen to Donald Trump over the January 6th Investigation? Nothing
AmishGangster's Avatar
So much truth
I think he may be charged, but I wonder where they will find an impartial jury.
He should get jail time but nothing will happen.
Cody69's Avatar
He should get jail time but nothing will happen. Originally Posted by Charley3
Where I live in the middle of the night a druggie broke in a closed gas station and stoled cigarettes and a few other things less then $300 total and got two years.

He got people killed, guards maimed, some can't work for the rest of there life and what almost 300 people arrested over saying the stoled the election and he will get nothing what so ever out of it. Nothing.
eyecu2's Avatar
Trump already got a whole bunch of something. His base of believers feel empowered and are pointing fingers against an imaginary Kabal of nefarious actors. Hell, they even blame Nancy Pelosi for the rioters despite an inept capital police who is there to provide protection. All in all, Trump will just get more press, and at worse a small slap on the wrist verbally, but will not result in a conviction. Whatever he deserves, the outcome for the GOP will be the problem of him being a pariah ; persona non gratis for at-least half of the country.

That's not how you win elections.

Time for some new folks to enter the fray.

I would say that the one blessing that may be Trump provided, as well as the assertion of improprieties from Biden, or his son, is that people who come to run for office of president are going to face a shit ton more scrutiny in the future, when it comes to financials.

And that's a good thing
Yea, I have to agree, I don't think Teflon Don will be held accountable. He's been getting away with crimes for decades. Being born into an empire gives him access to the best lawyers, accountants, etc.

He's not good at a lot but he's good at a few things:

Deceiving gullible people.
Pandering to people's fear and hate.
Talking out of both sides of his mouth and leaving his lawyers an out to work with.