See Santa did not leave you a dictionary and a brain, still posting garbage. Waiting for your alter ego (second ID) Paulie to like your post. Originally Posted by seen_alotI blocked PM and OSD a long time ago. The board is better now. They're never informative and never funny. I like stupid posts if they're funny at least, but the never were. I don't think Paulie is PM, I always thought maybe PM and OSD were the same fool. But maybe not. They don't matter.
I blocked PM and OSD a long time ago. The board is better now. They're never informative and never funny. I like stupid posts if they're funny at least, but the never were. I don't think Paulie is PM, I always thought maybe PM and OSD were the same fool. But maybe not. They don't matter. Originally Posted by doctorsteveblocked buts ...still cants stops talkin ...bouts em!
But it is an honor just to be mentioned in the same sentence as PM.... Originally Posted by Paulie RockstarSeriously? I used to get annoyed by your posts sometimes, with all the GOBC stuff, but you've "matured" and actually offer reviews and are a valuable poster. I actually appreciate your opinion on hookers. The other 2? Not so much.