Lovely Betty at Blossom K is on my radar. 57..I like it!
Does anyone have intel theyd like to share about her looks or service?
Is she new or has she been around under a different name?
To those who have met her, how accurate are Betty's pics?
Originally Posted by htownhammer
Not very accurate. That doesn't mean she's bad looking. She just doesn't look like the pics. Also she's def not 5'7 lmao. She is like 5'5 max without heels. She didn't wear heels to greet me though.
okay so instead of seeing betty Who can’t communicate well in English, has below average skills, won’t cuddle or have any other type of intimacy besides fucking I’d recommend lovely, lev, Kylie, or crystal. Just my 2 cents it would be an okay time not great.