Democracy in Action

berryberry's Avatar
Given the debate in the House, I wonder if some of the extreme leftists are confused not understanding what Democracy looks like or how it works. I guess that is understandable given that the Democrats are like Hitler youth, falling in line lockstep after polishing their jackboots to support Der Fuhrer, Drunken Pelosi.

Republicans on the other hand follow ideas and stand up for principles they believe in, doing what is right, not what is easy. What you’ve seen on the House floor over the last 3 days is what you should see on every single bill that comes up for consideration. This should be the norm, not the exception. Lawmakers debating and arguing and voting out in the open is great, and we need more of it.

There is a group fighting to help fix the House and stop the consolidation of power in the hands of the few at the expense of the many constituents of the 435 members of Congress. Unlike the Democrats who bowed down to Der Fuhrer Drunken Pelosi and let her control everything.

While I don't know how it will turn out, having a robust debate over the future leadership of the GOP and rules of the new Congress is not embarrassing but enlightening. Unlike the extreme leftist rubber stamps who fell in line, jackboots and all, for Drunken Pelosi.

Anyone who was better informed about history would understand this is how Congress used to work

What is embarrassing and racist as hell is one extreme leftist congresswoman, Cori Bush making these racist remarks about one of the Speaker candidates "Byron Donalds is not a historic candidate for Speaker. He is a prop. Despite being Black, he supports a policy agenda intent on upholding and perpetuating white supremacy.

His name being in the mix is not progress—it’s pathetic."

The extreme leftists like Cori Bush always expose their true selves.
berryberry's Avatar
A lot of people who screamed last year that democracy was on the ballot seem terrified that democracy is happening on the House floor.

It is good to make our leaders sweat. There is no divine right to rule in this country. Accountability is all we have.

We should be celebrating the fact that there are members of Congress willing to engage in robust debate and dissent in order to get us a Speaker and/or rules who/which represent and protect our values. We should be concerned if they all vote the same like the sheeples known as Democrats.
berryberry's Avatar
Excellent short video:

“We have had more discussion and debate in the last three days than the last two years.” Montana's Rep Rosendale is exposing the corruption of past House Speaker rules right now by explaining that today’s gridlock and debate is how things should work and have previously worked in DC.

Must watch
berryberry's Avatar
A few of the very good things being fought for:

HDGristle's Avatar
This is actually an ultra-extreme example of liberal democracy in action, in which the minority have been protected to a point where they can impede, stifle, or even override the will of the majority, permitting a small group to have oversized influence over the whole body.

Which is deliciously ironic.

Meanwhile, Hakeem has received the most votes to be speaker by any single candidate in this race. Sad, but true x11. Which means there are bipartisan methods of breaking this logjam that would be possible if there were an actual desire to push forward the collective will of ALL of the people instead of catering to the demands of the reps of a few and giving them more control than they should otherwise have.

But the inability to cut THAT deal is why we can't have nice things.

As such, we continue to watch a shit show play out as we see why extremist divisions within our politics push chaos rather than drive towards consensus or acceptable compromise for the actual majority.

Key operative words. Driving towards consensus or acceptable compromise. Because that's what the people deserve and should demand. Not hyperpartisan gridlock.
rmg_35's Avatar
You're absolutely right HD. There is no compromise. There no working together. It's a bunch of extremist assholes saying it's going to be done my way, but those fucking idiots just want to tear down and disrupt.
eyecu2's Avatar
well, As I see it, one of three outcomes can happen.

1. A couple of R's come over to side with the Dems and elect Hakeem Jeffries.

2. A couple of D's come over to side with the Reps, and elect McCarthy

3. The holdouts on the R's vote for McCarthy and turn the Republican party into the shit-show of the century. The ultra conservatives who with knives out, will tear down any semblance of getting ONE thing done in congress.

Couple things the Dems could do to get the Rep votes for Jeffries; agree to origin of covid investigations; Agree to finish the wall, or even to pass some less strict oil/ gas drilling leases etc. But the Reps won't do that, and save face. They will cut off their noses and say we'd do that anyway, but never get it passed in the house, nor the senate.

What could the R's do to get the Dem votes for the McCarthy; figure out what to do with immigration reform, and fix DACA. Vote on some measure of shoring up student loans with no interest etc. or some forgiveness, or expand on the infrastructure allocations.

Pick your poison.

I'd personally recommend one of the first 2 options, but I'm betting we get front row seats to the belated Gallagher/ McCarthy sledge-o-matic shit show. Which will likely lead to a complete and total fucking mess in 2024 with my prediction of the R's losing the house, senate and big Joe or his replacement in the POTUS chair.- due to not being able to fulfill ANY of the promises in the commitment to America program that McCarthy proposed (not that there were any actions in it, only conclusions= but that is for another thread)

So- there's that. Let the thumb twiddling begin
HDGristle's Avatar
No, there's substantially more than 3 outcomes and many of them involve abandoning McCarthy and any of the concessions he's made to the Freedom Caucus.

I don't see Hakeem becoming Speaker. But, it would be interesting if a moderate Republican alternate was nominated and a small contingent of Dems backed them in a round to see how the Republicans responded.
The only action in DC is the republicans inability to grow a set of balls and admit trumps actions were those of a traitor. Instead they fear his and his magats. attacks on them during their re election. Boebert is an ass but at least had the balls to stand up to trump telling him to have McCarthy to step away.
This is both funny but sad for the rest of the world to see how ridiculous republicans are
eyecu2's Avatar
It's looking like the 12th ballot is still a "no", but there is a growing majority that didn't want to live on a Island as persona non-gratis. Thugs gotta stick together eventually and I'm betting by ballot 13 or 14 will result in an affirmation for KM...

Hopefully the result will be something that limits the power of the speaker, where there is more bipartisanship in both making and listening to bills.

We'll see what happens.
berryberry's Avatar
Given the debate in the House, I wonder if some of the extreme leftists are confused not understanding what Democracy looks like or how it works. Originally Posted by berryberry
Well judging by the responses to this thread, there is indeed lots of confusion from the leftists about how Democracy works

Seems most of the small group engaging in robust debate and dissent in order to get us a Speaker and rules to improve how Congress operates and represent and protect our values are on the verge of an amazingly transformative deal on how the House will operate. Unlike of course how the puppets on the left all fell in lockstep for Der Fuhrer Drunken Pelosi

Another perspective on why this is all so foreign to leftists and how the crazy ass left in the House just falls into line like Hitler's youth from Glenn Greenwald:

This continues to be such an amazing part of all of this: how Dems - especially the Squad and other "progressives" - are so aggressively proud of how they obediently united behind a Leader who openly despises them, and are just unwilling ever to raise a ruckus about anything. Look at us! We never talk back to the teacher! We sit - quietly and orderly - and do what we're told. You'll never hear questioning or dissent from us. We didn't even need *one vote* for our Leader! We were given the name and did it by acclimation!

berryberry's Avatar
More Glenn Greenwald

"Can someone tell me why it's so horrifying and devastating for Congress to take a few days to debate and negotiate over who should be third in line to the presidency and rule the House? Aren't debates of this kind called "democracy," as rare as it now is for Congress to do this?"
HDGristle's Avatar
What's that old saying about how when you don't really have an argument, you invoke Nazi Germany?
chizzy's Avatar
What's that old saying about how when you don't really have an argument, you invoke Nazi Germany? Originally Posted by HDGristle
well, lets go back thru the posts and see how mant times that has been thrown by the left vs the right.......... I think the tally would be heavily in the lefts corner.
HDGristle's Avatar
Knock yourself out, chizzy. That's not a valid argument, either.

Looking forward to Round 14 starting sometime after 10pm. McCarthy allies are telling folks to be ready for a very long night as they plan to vote on the rules package following what they predict is a win before midnight