El Paso and the fraud from the White House, Senile Biden

berryberry's Avatar
For the first time in his entire fucking life, Senile Biden visited the border. Of course he only spent a whole 3 hours there in a sanitized visit designed to hide all of the border problems this senile bastard created.

Before Senile Biden's visit, the White House was busing migrants who have been encamped on El Paso's streets to the Houston area. Susan Rice threatened Alejandro Mayorkas with severe consequences if homeless illegals were seen by Biden.

berryberry's Avatar
Governor Abbott:

El Paso rushes to remove illegal immigrants and migrant camps that are crowding downtown before Biden arrives.


Biden does not want America to see the chaos that he has caused on the border.

This is just a photo op and a game of pretend.

El Paso clears downtown of expansive migrant camps ahead of Biden visit

AUSTIN, Texas — City sidewalks that transformed into makeshift homeless camps as tens of thousands of illegal immigrants were released into downtown El Paso in recent months have been cleared out ahead of President Joe Biden's arrival Sunday.

The hundreds of people camped out on individual blocks surrounding the Greyhound Bus Station and Sacred Heart Church have been moved out of eyesight by local El Paso police officers and federal Border Patrol agents, according to four law enforcement officials who spoke with the Washington Examiner on Thursday.


berryberry's Avatar
Texas Governor Greg Abbott hand delivered this letter to POTUS in El Paso:

“Your visit …is $20 billion too little and two years too late.”

chizzy's Avatar
Oh berry.... fake news fake pictures nothing to see here. If something were true CNN CBS abs and NBC would be all over this

Right bluto?
berryberry's Avatar
LOL, yeah Chizzy, what was I thinking? CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC are so upstanding and unbiased that they always jump to report anything that embarrasses the crazy ass left

Meanwhile today CBP Sources tell @FoxNews that there were 518 migrant encounters in the El Paso sector in the last 24 hours yet WH pool reports indicate Senile Biden did not witness any migrants at any of this three stops in El Paso yesterday
Chizzy thanks. let me know if he ever has something of best interest to tell.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
a political whitewash for Joey's visit. no one saw that coming, right???

now Joey can claim there's no crisis because he saw none with his own eyes.

berryberry's Avatar
El Paso Initiated Massive Migrant Cleanup To Hide Crisis During Biden Border Visit

The two-year-long White House coverup of the ongoing illegal immigration crisis is perhaps one of the biggest political frauds of the decade. After Joe Biden recently dared to blame Republicans for the chaos at the southern border rather than his own reckless amnesty policies and his attempts to end Title 42, he embarked on his very first visit to the region since entering the Oval Office. His primary destination? El Paso.

El Paso has become an epicenter of illegal immigration in the past few months, likely because it is a Democrat run border city which engages in sanctuary policies. The El Paso Mayor, Oscar Leeser, kept the door wide open for supposed amnesty seekers until the city ran out of money for welfare provisions and finally declared an emergency despite pressure from the White House not to.

Biden has long ignored the state of affairs on the border, forcing conservative governors to bus thousands of migrants to Democrat cities like New York and Washington DC in order to make a point. Though the White House has pretended to be oblivious to the plight of border states, it is becoming clear that the administration has been well aware of the crisis for some time. In preparation for Biden's visit, El Paso has undergone a miraculous transformation from humanitarian disaster zone to squeaky clean and secure.

Below, we can see before and after examples of how much can be accomplished to stop illegal immigration when Joe Biden's image is on the line - El Paso has become a completely different city in the span of two weeks:

The city streets have been cleared of most migrants and their makeshift sidewalk beds.

A border wall has been quickly built from cargo containers and barbed wire to deter migrant caravans. Local reports note that the new wall has been very effective in stopping the flow of illegals. Also, national guard and border patrol units have been deployed in a show of force.

The expedited removal of illegal immigrants in preparation for Biden's visit showcases the reality that the border situation can be dealt with and that it would be far easier than the White House claims. The only rational conclusion that can be made at this stage is that Biden simply doesn't want to secure the border. Biden walked the existing wall with border agents before quickly jetting to Mexico City, and briefly met with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who only received notice of Biden's plans a day before his arrival.

Biden continues to claim that he has been working to solve the illegal immigration issue "from day one" and blames congress for refusing to "take action." In reality, illegal immigrant encounters plummeted after the enforcement of Title 42 in 2020, and then exploded again right after Biden took office. Biden's insistence on amnesty benefits and far easier citizenship for illegals has encouraged an endless rush of over 5 million migrants in the past two years. The sterilization of El Paso before his visit suggests that Biden has no intention of ever being honest about the terrible state of affairs and will maintain his open border policies regardless.
