He stole classified documents. When does the FBI raid take place?

berryberry's Avatar
When will the corrupt FBI storm one of Senile Biden’s many vacation homes? You know, the ones he somehow bought and paid for by a lifetime of being a humble public servant?

'Roughly 10' classified documents from Joe Biden's vice-presidential days have been discovered in his office in a Washington think tank. AG Garland has assigned a US attorney to investigate.

berryberry's Avatar
Can't wait to hear the hysterical alarms raised on CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc tonight over Senile Biden stealing classified documents.

He has the country's classified secrets !!!

Impeach, remove, tar and feather!!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s safe to say that Presidents take whatever tf they want and nobody cares, unless, of course, it’s Trump, then it’s suddenly a a problem. I think Bill and Hilda took some furniture and did other stupid shit like removing the Ws from all the typewriters.
Cody69's Avatar
The only difference is, He is the one that found them. He is the one that notify the authorities. He is the one who turned them in. He didn't lie and say he didn't have any. He didn't have the FBI beg him to bring them back.

You may want to watch different news sources. Maybe you didn't know that.
HDGristle's Avatar
False equivalence in the OP. Should he have had them? No. Does there need to be a larger review? Absolutely. Charges? We'll see. Raid? Not unless they have evidence he has more at a particular property and/or is lying about it. Trump had over a year and a half, wasn't President at the time and they had valid evidence he still had more which definitely panned out.

That said, all the same questions I asked about Trump apply here, including why there were commingled docs.

And this should end his thoughts about running again
Lets see, 10 documents here vs. hundreds in Trumpland. No FBI warrant needed because these documents were voluntarily reported to National Archives, which now has them. Trump refused to turn over despite countless requests.

False equivalence in the OP. Should he have had them? No. Does there need to be a larger review? Absolutely. Charges? We'll see. Raid? Not unless they have evidence he has more at a particular property and/or is lying about it. Trump had over a year and a half, wasn't President at the time and they had valid evidence he still had more which definitely panned out.

That said, all the same questions I asked about Trump apply here, including why there were commingled docs.

And this should end his thoughts about running again Originally Posted by HDGristle
berryberry's Avatar
Shocking - the NYT asking why the White House waited two months to reveal that classified docs were found at Senile Biden's university office days before the midterms.

Anyone with any common sense knows we're only being told about it today because the GOP House was just sworn in.
berryberry's Avatar
It's funny to see how quick the leftists here come out to defend and make excuses for Senile Biden. Like clockwork.

What they are missing is Senile Biden stole classified documents and stored them at his think tank while he was Vice President.

He had these classified documents for over 6 years. Unlike the President (in Trump's case), the VP does not have any authority to declassify classified documents.

What Senile Biden did is illegal

And what do you know, this “think tank” received $54 million in funding from the CCP.
berryberry's Avatar
I am still waiting for the footage of the FBI raid of Senile Biden's home. Having a really tough time finding it. And I missed all those "journalists" who wanted President Trump thrown in prison for having classified documents in his office on TV tonight advocating for Senile Biden to be thrown in prison for having classified documents stolen over 6 years ago in his private office.

Oversight Chair Comer: Is the White House going to be raided tonight? Are they going to raid the Biden center? I don't know. But, you know, this is further concern that there's a two tier justice system within the DOJ with how they treat Republicans versus Democrats
HDGristle's Avatar
Declassification has always been a red herring berry. They're government records that shouldn't be in Trump's possession or Biden's possession, whether classified or declassified.

They're also not the same fact patterns even though they are both are in the wrong.

But having the records themselves wasn't what led to the raid. It was jerking around DOJ while negotiating their return, by holding onto docs and misleading the gov about whether everything had been returned. So unless further evidence comes to light, your desire for a Biden raid will remain an unrequited fantasy.
berryberry's Avatar
Using the precedent sent by the corrupt DOJ and FBI with respect to President Trump, the only possible way to ensure Senile Biden has no more illegal documents stolen by him from his vice-presidency is for the FBI to raid all of his residences and seize anything they want, including his passports.

I was told by the crazy ass leftists that our democracy is at stake, anything less and we could all die.
HDGristle's Avatar
Sure, if you have zero understanding of precedent or how that kind of warrant works
berryberry's Avatar
Keep making excuses Gristle

Meanwhile Senile Biden on 60 Minutes in September reacting to classified documents being found at Mar-a-Lago:

"How does that happen? How could anyone be that irresponsible."

And yet he had classified documents he stole over 6 years ago
HDGristle's Avatar
You're not seeing me say Biden was right. I'm not defending him and I think it's disqualifying. I've said that all the same questions I had about Trump's handling are fair game.

I am, however, explaining to you the difference between reality and your eye for an eye fantasy regarding a raid. You're plenty smart enough to know the difference.
berryberry's Avatar
You are missing the point completely

There never should have been a raid on President Trump. It was a cheap political stunt by Senile Biden and his corrupt DOJ/FBI. I am pointing out the utter hypocrisy of the situation and how the media, leftists and others all reacted differently between the two