Committees !!!

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So today the House started work on some committees.

First up, the House created a committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. It will investigate how agencies have illegally monitored and targeted American citizens. This will be chaired by Jim Jordan. Every Republican voted yes and every Dem voted no.

As Glenn Greenwald notes - A core plank of the Dem Party is unifying state and corporate power to censor their adversaries and critics from the internet. But an equally high priority is to shield the US Security State from investigative scrutiny because they perceive - accurately - they're their allies. Hence the no votes from the crazy ass leftists
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Yes, you read that right. Democrats just voted unanimously to shield unelected deep state bureaucrats and intelligence operatives who are weaponizing the federal government against political dissent. 211 votes for authoritarian tyranny.
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Next there was a Vote to Establish the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

Notice anything about the No’s ? Yep 65 Democrats just voted against a committee to investigate China.

Are you paying attention yet?

Democrats hate America and everyday Americans

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Finally word is out that it appears these corrupt weasels Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell And Ilhan Omar will get the boot from their previous Committees which would be fucking awesome if true.

And after Democrats weaponized Nancy Pelosi's gavel over the last two years - booting GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar off committees over QAnon wrongthink and posting memes - Republicans are set to return the favor, with McCarthy expected to boot Reps. Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar from their committees.

Democrats are expected to name Schiff and Swalwell to the Intelligence Committee, and place Omar on Foreign Affairs, according to Punchbowl News, citing multiple Democratic leadership sources.

"Swalwell can’t get a security clearance in the private sector. I’m not going to give him a government security clearance," newly minted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy told Punchbowl. "Schiff has lied too many times to the American public. He should not be on Intel."

"I made all [three] cases before. It’s not like it’s anything new… Remember, this is what Nancy Pelosi, this is the type of Congress she wanted to have," McCarthy added.

Swalwell notably banged an alleged Chinese spy who helped him fundraise in 2014.
berryberry's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald: Liberal networks and Democratic Party officials are in full meltdown with rage and indignation that the House is going to investigate the abuses of the CIA, FBI and DHS. Listen to how authoritarian they are, how desperate they are that no transparency be imposed: for good reason:
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More Glenn Greenwald:

In less than 12 hours, Democrats unanimously tried to block an investigation into abuses of power by CIA, FBI and DHS -- their key institutional allies -- and, without a single hearing happening, have convinced millions of their sheep that this is about empowering insurrection.
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More Crazy Ass Leftists Selling Out America

US House, in a 331-97 vote, passed bill that would ban sales of crude oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to China

Republicans 218-0
Democrats 113-97

Yep, 97 crazy ass leftists voted to sell oil from America's Strategic Oil Reserve to China. Are you paying attention ?
That’s a dumb attempt to shield people like trump who openly attempted to abuse government employees that did not kiss his ass and comply with his illegal wishes
HDGristle's Avatar
More Crazy Ass Leftists Selling Out America

US House, in a 331-97 vote, passed bill that would ban sales of crude oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to China

Republicans 218-0
Democrats 113-97

Yep, 97 crazy ass leftists voted to sell oil from America's Strategic Oil Reserve to China. Are you paying attention ? Originally Posted by berryberry
Yes, we are. Would you agree that anyone who supports selling SPR oil to China is selling out, betraying America's national interests and compromising our energy security? And that they have no business holding elected office?