Obama Change of America

The Hate and Divisiveness that has been ramped up and we are experiencing today all started when Obama was elected President.
He said he will Change America one day at a time. He also said its a matter of time when America will one day be brown.

The FBI, IRS and DOJ are now being used to control America for a one party system.

Yes the FBI was spying on Trump before and after he was elected.

The FBI and the DOJ knew there was no collusion by Trump with Russia but we still had investigation after instigation of Trump and his entire family and have never found anything illegal.

The FBI had Hunters laptop before the last Presidential election and was never reported. This past election the FBI new of Biden having classified documents at different locations but its just now being reported months after the election.
If both matters would have been known by the people before both elections we may of had a much different results.

I question if whats going on with Biden right now is a plan to get Trump by using Biden. If they take down Biden because of the documents they may then try to use that example against Trump.

The swamp on both sides do not want Trump elected again. Yes the swamp republicans also do not want Trump elected again.

This is all about power and control of all of us. The swap working for themselves not the people.
Cody69's Avatar
The Hate and Divisiveness that has been ramped up and we are experiencing today all started when Obama was elected President.
He said he will Change America one day at a time. He also said its a matter of time when America will one day be brown.

The FBI, IRS and DOJ are now being used to control America for a one party system.

Yes the FBI was spying on Trump before and after he was elected.

The FBI and the DOJ knew there was no collusion by Trump with Russia but we still had investigation after instigation of Trump and his entire family and have never found anything illegal.

The FBI had Hunters laptop before the last Presidential election and was never reported. This past election the FBI new of Biden having classified documents at different locations but its just now being reported months after the election.
If both matters would have been known by the people before both elections we may of had a much different results.

I question if whats going on with Biden right now is a plan to get Trump by using Biden. If they take down Biden because of the documents they may then try to use that example against Trump.

The swamp on both sides do not want Trump elected again. Yes the swamp republicans also do not want Trump elected again.

This is all about power and control of all of us. The swap working for themselves not the people. Originally Posted by Chase7
I agree with you. I can't understand why no one wants Trump back in as president. So what if he had close to 300 people go to jail just because he told them to go to the capital, I will be there with you, you have to fight like you have never done before because they are about to take over our country over this fake election because I won. That and he got a few people killed out of the take over but we are all going to die sooner or later anyway.

You have seen all the facts of the elections, look at how many dead peoples votes they found, unreal, look at how many voting machines they found that took votes from Trump and give them to Biden.

He was one of the greatest presidents we have ever had. Look how he took care of the working class people with all those tax breaks and he give the rich a big tax break so they could move more factories overseas and look at how many sells service jobs we have in this country now instead of those large factories.

Before he came we had all those dirty hard working factories creating pollution in our country now it is in another country. Let them worry about it. This way all of our people can collect that free money the libs give them. Before they had to work for it.

Look how good he made our heath care. If he would have only had a few more weeks he would have had a better universal heath care system. He told us that when he first ran for president the first time. He though it would only take a small period of time to do that but like he said it would only be a few more weeks to finish it.
Donald Trump may have been a very good president. Unfortunately, we will never know because from the time he was elected he had to fend off the democratic left. They were so incensed that he was elected that they tried tactic after tactic to remove him from office. I voted for the man twice, not because I like the candidate, but because he was the best choice. I really think that he would have been better off if he would have thought things through before opening his mouth.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-13-2023, 02:30 PM
I agree with you. I can't understand why no one wants Trump back in as president. So what if he had close to 300 people go to jail just because he told them to go to the capital, I will be there with you, you have to fight like you have never done before because they are about to take over our country over this fake election because I won. That and he got a few people killed out of the take over but we are all going to die sooner or later anyway.

You have seen all the facts of the elections, look at how many dead peoples votes they found, unreal, look at how many voting machines they found that took votes from Trump and give them to Biden.

He was one of the greatest presidents we have ever had. Look how he took care of the working class people with all those tax breaks and he give the rich a big tax break so they could move more factories overseas and look at how many sells service jobs we have in this country now instead of those large factories.

Before he came we had all those dirty hard working factories creating pollution in our country now it is in another country. Let them worry about it. This way all of our people can collect that free money the libs give them. Before they had to work for it.

Look how good he made our heath care. If he would have only had a few more weeks he would have had a better universal heath care system. He told us that when he first ran for president the first time. He though it would only take a small period of time to do that but like he said it would only be a few more weeks to finish it. Originally Posted by Cody69
Go buy a dozen eggs, and tell me how bad Trump was.
Cody69's Avatar
Go buy a dozen eggs, and tell me how bad Trump was. Originally Posted by Devo
I know you guys only read, listen, or watch the far far right news media. So those guys who do that wouldn't know the whole world has inflation now. If you want to get technical about it in the USA when covid first struck, the orange turd said it was another democratic scam and did nothing at all to prevent it or help control it. Actually he said not to even wear masks.

The inflation you see now is because of shortages world wide. There are still shortages three years later. So I guess if Biden is at fault for all of this according to you, he has to be the world leader. I know he is that smart but the entire world has shortages and inflation. GO BIDEN, you are the man. YOU ARE THE WORLD LEADER AT LAST.You have the whole world being inflated.
rmg_35's Avatar
Donald Trump may have been a very good president. Unfortunately, we will never know because from the time he was elected he had to fend off the democratic left. They were so incensed that he was elected that they tried tactic after tactic to remove him from office. I voted for the man twice, not because I like the candidate, but because he was the best choice. I really think that he would have been better off if he would have thought things through before opening his mouth. Originally Posted by Looker151
tRump is the biggest fucking asshole on the planet. He was only concerned about giving tax breaks to himself and other ultra rich assholes that wanted to screw over the middle class and the poor. Obama is a million times better president and a billion times better human than tRump could ever wish to be.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump cut tax rates across the board. You either don’t bother to check the accuracy of whoever pours that nonsense into your head, are a broke slob who doesn’t pay taxes anyways, or some combination thereof.
Cody69's Avatar
Trump cut tax rates across the board. You either don’t bother to check the accuracy of whoever pours that nonsense into your head, are a broke slob who doesn’t pay taxes anyways, or some combination thereof. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Better check that statement out. That was only a couple of years for the middle class then they went back up. Just saying.


tRump is the biggest fucking asshole on the planet. He was only concerned about giving tax breaks to himself and other ultra rich assholes that wanted to screw over the middle class and the poor. Obama is a million times better president and a billion times better human than tRump could ever wish to be.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
In 2025, for all brackets, HG.
Just saying.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
tRump is the biggest fucking asshole on the planet. He was only concerned about giving tax breaks to himself and other ultra rich assholes that wanted to screw over the middle class and the poor. Obama is a million times better president and a billion times better human than tRump could ever wish to be. Originally Posted by rmg_35

why do you keep posting that when it's so easily proven wrong? by the IRS's own data.

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most


Congressional Democrats have argued that one of the best ways to pay for the legislation is to raise taxes on wealthy households, which, according to many on the left, have benefited disproportionately and unfairly from the 2017 tax reform law passed by Republicans and signed by former President Trump. The latest data, however, proves that this claim is pure mythology.

Income data published by the IRS clearly show that on average all income brackets benefited substantially from the Republicans’ tax reform law, with the biggest beneficiaries being working and middle-income filers, not the top 1 percent, as so many Democrats have argued.

A careful analysis of the IRS tax data, one that includes the effects of tax credits and other reforms to the tax code, shows that filers with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $15,000 to $50,000 enjoyed an average tax cut of 16 percent to 26 percent in 2018, the first year Republicans’ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect and the most recent year for which data is available.

Filers who earned $50,000 to $100,000 received a tax break of about 15 percent to 17 percent, and those earning $100,000 to $500,000 in adjusted gross income saw their personal income taxes cut by around 11 percent to 13 percent.

i get it, the media told you to hate Trump and love Obama. i love Trump and hate Obama. but not because of what the press says, because of what they actually accomplished as president. or not.
rmg_35's Avatar
Waco... you're the one that's wrong. Stop drinking the red coolaide and the maga bullshit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Waco... you're the one that's wrong. Stop drinking the red coolaide and the maga bullshit. Originally Posted by rmg_35

interesting. attack the poster, not the facts. is the IRS data wrong or are you?
Cody69's Avatar
why do you keep posting that when it's so easily proven wrong? by the IRS's own data.

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most


Congressional Democrats have argued that one of the best ways to pay for the legislation is to raise taxes on wealthy households, which, according to many on the left, have benefited disproportionately and unfairly from the 2017 tax reform law passed by Republicans and signed by former President Trump. The latest data, however, proves that this claim is pure mythology.

Income data published by the IRS clearly show that on average all income brackets benefited substantially from the Republicans’ tax reform law, with the biggest beneficiaries being working and middle-income filers, not the top 1 percent, as so many Democrats have argued.

A careful analysis of the IRS tax data, one that includes the effects of tax credits and other reforms to the tax code, shows that filers with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $15,000 to $50,000 enjoyed an average tax cut of 16 percent to 26 percent in 2018, the first year Republicans’ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect and the most recent year for which data is available.

Filers who earned $50,000 to $100,000 received a tax break of about 15 percent to 17 percent, and those earning $100,000 to $500,000 in adjusted gross income saw their personal income taxes cut by around 11 percent to 13 percent.

i get it, the media told you to hate Trump and love Obama. i love Trump and hate Obama. but not because of what the press says, because of what they actually accomplished as president. or not. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The democrats are assholes also. Neither one of them are any good. They need to clean house. But don't get anyone like the new asshole republican that has done nothing but lied his way into office. Its like fixing a car, once it is worn out, it is time to go.
Jacuzzme's Avatar