Encounter: Sweet Serena at 7 star

User ID: -
Date: Mid January
Name: Serena at 7 star
Phone: 210-992-4677
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: N/A
City: San Antonio
State: -
Address: Near Austin Hwy
Activities: Nice Massage, L3
Hair Length and Color: Black almost to her butt
Age: 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: Beautiful tall busty bombshell. Anyone who has had the privilege to see her can attest to her beauty.
Recommendation: Yes
got the name of the location
7 Star

Mods can add it in if possible.
gman44's Avatar
7 Star

Mods can add it in if possible. Originally Posted by rex raptor

MrTex1959's Avatar

What was the damage ? 200 ?