Hey folks, I saw a review for this lady on TER (couldn't read the whole thing), and was wondering if anyone had any intel: https://tryst.link/escort/jasmine-dark
I am surprised at that number -- her Tryst ad says 600, and she quoted me 300 in a sugar setting.
I had coffee with her off a contact from SA -- the injected lips were huge and I just wasn't attracted. She is a nice woman and I enjoyed the coffee. She was clean and well put together. But I had a solid SB at 200 at the time and needed to be really excited -- and wasn't.
Met her at her house. 300/hr was the damage. Her place smelt badly of cat litter and her dog. My hands smelt bad afterwards, like in my fingernails, almost made me think she hadn't recently showered. She is decent looking and is cool in person. She claimed her degrading persona is all an act and really there to please a partner she films with. She claims to be quite vanilla IRL and that was mostly my experience. I would recommend to give her a spin at least once to get a nice amateur pornstar experience. Emphasis on the "amateur" i would not repeat. Tbh i have about 10 chicks I need to write reviews on