Super Bowl Final

... G'day Sporting mates,

... Your thoughts on the back-and-forth football final
between the Eagles and the Chiefs...

Surely had me barrack with Kansas City.

#### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-13-2023, 12:55 PM
Didn't bother to watch.

Glad they still rioted in Philly though.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The big winner was whatever ref had money on KC.
bambino's Avatar
The big winner was whatever ref had money on KC. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Ain’t that the truth.
winn dixie's Avatar
I hear those refs are going to disneyland
Didn't bother to watch.

Glad they still rioted in Philly though. Originally Posted by Devo
... Surely woulda liked to have seen the Wager Line
on whether the city of Philadelphia expected MORE
damage and destruction if the Eagles WIN the game
- or LOSE.

#### Salty
chizzy's Avatar
tackling is something that must not be taught anymore in the nfl