Nucular war would be good thing if you conservative

Ripmany's Avatar
There will bomb the liberals out of us.
ICU 812's Avatar
I have worked with radioactive materials in industrial applications and diagnostic imaging in a clinical setting. Radiation safety and related health issues were a constant concern.

Believe me: You do not want to survive a nuclear war or even just a "limited nuclear exchange"
Ripmany's Avatar
I have worked with radioactive materials in industrial applications and diagnostic imaging in a clinical setting. Radiation safety and related health issues were a constant concern.

Believe me: You do not want to survive a nuclear war or even just a "limited nuclear exchange" Originally Posted by ICU 812
I not saying that many people got hurt from radiation. But in the 1960 there bomb New Mexico, Nevada, biniki, Siberia. Hundreds of times. No major problem.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Pacific islands that were nuclear test sites in the 1950s are still uninhabitable.

Each nuclear bomb test in the American West was a singular event in an uninhabited place. Not even jackrabbits live there. No one today would move there.

If you want to see the effects of radiation on a populated area that is not Japan, look into the Chernobyl area of Ukraine. Most of the workers who delt with that accident in the 1980s died horribly. All the citizens that lived there were permanently evacuated and many had radiation related health issues. Now, 45 years later, Russian troops that occupied the ground there in 2022 all died from radiation sickness . . .a bad way to go.

I urge you to reconsider your position on the use of nuclear weapons. Even a tctical nulcesr bomb would be a trsgedy for the human race.
ICU 812's Avatar
With all the above said: I am convinced that nuclear power is the way to loer csrb on emissions to lower carbon emissions.

I recommend reading "Apocalypse Never" by Michael Shellenberger.
matchingmole's Avatar
I not saying that many people got hurt from radiation. But in the 1960 there bomb New Mexico, Nevada, biniki, Siberia. Hundreds of times. No major problem. Originally Posted by Ripmany
biniki.....a problem
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
rippy's thread gets 3 stars.

he got banned.. so why not.
There will bomb the liberals out of us. Originally Posted by Ripmany
War wipes out debt. The losing sides debt is wiped out.
What a great way to wipe out the deficit.

texassapper's Avatar
War wipes out debt. The losing sides debt is wiped out.
What a great way to wipe out the deficit. Originally Posted by FellatioHunter
Weimar Germany would like a word with you....