guest111010's Avatar
im not a scary lil bitch how dare you go to MY friend and talk shit about me. Pretty sure i've known her like 2yrs and shes a good friend. Sure i didnt screen at first well bc frankly my husband was in the bedroom when i seen EVERY client and second bc i was new to it.

third STOP BEING SO FUCKING CHEAP, telling her you only have 80 and you can get it cheaper well take your ass somewhere else. So next time you would like to say something about me dont go to a very good friend and talk shit. talk shit to me im not scared to call out ppl or to be called out. Fuck you have a good one
caroline!'s Avatar
LMAO... what the hell?!

Yup, the guys are NOTORIOUS known to gossip to other ladies about us. What they don't get: even though the lady might sound interested or comment w/ them, she comes right back to tell us immediately.

Last but not least, screw the cheap bastards... they need to stay at the trax where they belong!
What the hell is right...your husband was in the room???

Did your clients know he was there? That's some crazy shit right there.

allofamber's Avatar
.....Caroline.......dont you just hate when guys talk mess about other providers to you....ROTFLMAO!!!!!

I don't know about thought-provoking, but this sure looks like it'll be entertaining. Popcorn, anyone?
Guest072010's Avatar

I don't know about thought-provoking, but this sure looks like it'll be entertaining. Popcorn, anyone? Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
Make that a large bucket, with plenty of butter & salt. I better get an x-large coke to wash it down with, too.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Don't you just love "self posted alerts"?

Husband in the bedroom?!?!?!

guest111010's Avatar
nah he was only there for a few ppl. just a few ppl when he couldnt leave. mainly night apts and umm my husband is cool about it no drama wouldnt ever came about and plus everyone i was with got recorded REMEMBER! and nothing bad has come acoss that now has it ? i think not.
rekcaSxT's Avatar

You recorded all your sessions? Like video or audio or both?

oh SNAP! Pass the popcorn Emily
Recording sessions is a bad thing. I hope all the guys were told about it beforehand and even if they were, those recordings could get you into a world of trouble if someone where to out you to LE and you still have them in your possession.
caroline!'s Avatar
.....Caroline.......dont you just hate when guys talk mess about other providers to you....ROTFLMAO!!!!! Originally Posted by allofamber
Hey HOTTIE, tell me about it!

A provider once jokingly said to me, "you have a Magnet on your forehead that says: tell me your secrets!" Guys I'm the last person you would want to gossip about providers to bc I'm TELLING!

As for the recording: I just hope you had consent...bc if NOT, that's not cool.

IF YOU DID have consent w/out showing the envelope, get YOUR FREAK on girl!
guest111010's Avatar
Yea to clear something up. EVERYONE KNEW! they held the cam and so even if someone did out me. you cant see there face AND there never shows any money being exchanged plus i dont do things for money mwhahhaa i have nooooooooooo clue what your talking about
LatinaVeronica's Avatar
Screening is Key !!

Guys are gonna look for a deal wherever they can find it!!

If a guy calls me and gives me attitude or doesnt want to answer my screening ?'s
I'm not even gonna waste my time..

Its up to the Provider to Screen Correctly to avoid this situation..

Many providers give valuable tips on everything Its not Rocket Science!

as far as recording sessions and having your husband in the room/closet is FUCKED UP !!! PERIOD! and So UNPROFESSIONAL..

but this is Only my opinion..

Be the CEO of your Business ..Be a NO NONSENSE type of Provider and guys won't even try this Stunt on you!!

Good Luck
berkleigh's Avatar
what the hell?