rubber ducks with knife in hand...porno movies...frankenstein doll...oh my!!!
I had a funny week....
While I was in Texas,a dear client donated to me 4 boxes of movies.I had no clue what kind of movies so I told my kids to just store the boxes in my bedroom till I got home.Well when I did get open them,they were full of brand new unopened pornos from a video store...whew,I am glad my son didnt ooen thise boxes LOL!!
Now what to do with them? I cant sell in my flea market!
another dear friend of mine went to nevada and sent me this cool shirt from Mustang Ranch
Then today I got an amaxon delivery,so I ooened it not even looking who it was for...these two goodies were in it!! They ate soooo cool,wish they were mine..but they were supposed to be for my grandson who is 12 and has developed my "morbidly unique" tastes!! lol
What are some weiird,special or unique things you have gotten in the mail or from somebody?????