Do what you say or don't say it

Y Guy58's Avatar
I am getting tired of empty promises and wanting money just because you don't have a client. You are paid for service and you get paid just like we work so we can get paid. Some lady needs to know this.
grayturner's Avatar
I am really good at just saying NO
Y Guy58's Avatar
That's the best way to handle it
CatMan4u's Avatar
Y guy I fully agree I have just spent a week in Vegas and the treatment and stories I got. Fortunately I did lose any money
Y Guy58's Avatar
It's so good to visit a true professional like Morgan as putting up with the local trash in Joplin. Outside of a couple good ones in Joplin the rest are not worth the price.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Y Guy your right about Joplin providers
Y Guy58's Avatar
Yes they are mostly doing things that are forbidden to be discussed here. Just plain trash.
CatMan4u's Avatar
In general we all need to practice that
I just face a lot of frustration with providersbon tryst Las Vegas
DallasRain's Avatar
my mom always said
" ya gotta work for what ya want and desrve"!!

I try to be fair to everone...if a cluents wants to " help" me out when I am in a " dire situation",that is HIS decision...(thanks Cat!)

BUT I try not to put myself in those kinda situations..and I dont think Ive ever begged for anything I didnt work for...if I did,then I apologize.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Dallas your more then welcome
Y Guy58's Avatar
Dallas this post was not about you at all. You are the very definition of a classy true professional that takes care of their clients and you knowledge of the hobby is second to no one. You are what makes this so fun
DallasRain's Avatar
I know it wasnt
thanks boys!

I just get perturbed by chicks who scam good guys!!