Fine Dining

BlackBeautyLanay's Avatar
Anyone Know of any good places to get a good meal ?
Cafe Provence
what part of town?
BlackBeautyLanay's Avatar
Independence has good places ?
Boredinop's Avatar
Independence has good places ? Originally Posted by BlackBeautyLanay
No. Country Club Plaza.
BlackBeautyLanay's Avatar
Noted I’ve yet to find a good spot here.
Independence has good places ? Originally Posted by BlackBeautyLanay
V's and Salvatore's are both outstanding authentic Italian, delicious and amazing service.
There is also Vivilore and Cafe Verona and Ophelia's which are supposed to be awesome, but I have not been to those.
If you're wanting Mexican, in Independence on Noland Rd I would say Hacienda Vieja, but honestly, Ponak's and Manny's are much better, but they're not in Independence.
Not sure what boredinop is smoking. Lol
I think the problem here is what is the definition of "fine dining" is for a person?

Is it s nice meal is a good restaurant that is a treat or special occasion


are we talking about the best of the best restaurants in the city that tend to compete on a national level?

If it is the former then there are wonderful spots all over the city and of course in Independence.

If we are talking about the latter then that would be:
Boredinop's Avatar
+1 definitely for Corvino Supper. Outstanding food and atmosphere. And not smoking anything I am a CEC and I tell what I think…….
Eh well, I grew up in a working class family. Never had a silver spoon in my mouth, so I suppose my definition of "fine dining" is not as refined as you elite upper crust types.

The bit about "smoking" was simply a joke.

Excuse me while I pick my knuckles up off the ground and shuffle back to my cave.
Boredinop's Avatar
Eh well, I grew up in a working class family. Never had a silver spoon in my mouth, so I suppose my definition of "fine dining" is not as refined as you elite upper crust types.

The bit about "smoking" was simply a joke.

Excuse me while I pick my knuckles up off the ground and shuffle back to my cave. Originally Posted by playball69
I grew up the same way. Started as a dishwasher at 13 years old and worked my fucking ass off to become a Certified Chef.
OH! Well then, I beg your pardon. Congratulations. I am in awe.

FrankiePv2's Avatar
Earl’s Premiere is my current favorite. Can’t go wrong with Corvino or anything Michael Smith or Celina Tio are running.
BlackBeautyLanay's Avatar
i think ill be taking a trip back to KC just for the food haha hope I can have some fun
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Capital Grill
Cafe Trio
Cheesecake Factory for dessert

Cafe Verona



I can add Northland, South loop, and JoCo. Or BBQ.
Specifically Johnny's in OP or his parents place on North Oak - Cascones.