Trump Hannity interview...horrific ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Former Rep Jason Chaffetz, R Utah:

"..he was whining. He played the victim card time and time again."

Mr. Trump:

"Remember this. This is the presidential records act. I have the right to take stuff."
VitaMan's Avatar
He sounded like Trump. Hannity tried to save him from himself to no avail.
... And yet - STILL the odds-on FAVOURITE to WIN in 2024!

### Salty
Win what? Surely you don’t think he’ll win the presidency. He’ll come up short by 6 million votes in 2024 at best. It could be even worse. Or rather, will be even worse because he’s more disliked than then.
Hee Hee! You dont really believe Sleepy Joe
actually got all those votes - do you? ... All Joe got was
extra boxes and boxes of ballots... Gonna be a bit tougher
to do this time - as Biden is compromised by Communist China.
Wont be able to hide THIS story - like they did with
Hunter's laptop.

Trump surely mentioned THAT in the interview - Keep Watching!

#### Salty
Former Rep Jason Chaffetz, R Utah:

"..he was whining. He played the victim card time and time again."

Mr. Trump:

"Remember this. This is the presidential records act. I have the right to take stuff." Originally Posted by VitaMan

Maybe he should review the presidential records act: "Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office."

And then there's this: "Establishes preservation requirements for official business conducted using non-official electronic messaging accounts: any individual creating Presidential records must not use non-official electronic messaging accounts unless that individual copies an official account as the message is created or forwards a complete copy of the record to an official messaging account. (A similar provision in the Federal Records Act applies to federal agencies.)" Sounds like legal standing to EVERY phone donnie used to send messages for his time in office...
VitaMan's Avatar
You dont really believe Sleepy Joe
actually got all those votes - do you? All Joe got was
extra boxes and boxes of ballots... Gonna be a bit tougher as Biden is compromised by Communist China.

Hunter's laptop.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
There it is...Salty's 1000th post mentioning Hunter's laptop in a thread that has nothing to do with that.

Plus all the other Biden discussion.

If this not hijacking, what is ?
... Seeing-as the thread concerns Trump and the Hannity interview
and we're discussing THAT... Hardly seem like a thread hijack.
Didja miss that I was asked directly about Trump's chances?

Though please don't let me discount YOUR-OWN ability to
surely hijack threads, mate... You're the Champ!

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Even this reply is a diversion of yours when talking about your diversion.

Let me supply you with some extra supplies you can put in storage:

Hunter's laptop
Hunter's laptop
Hunter's laptop
I did not care for Trump’s interview.
... But - was it .. .... HORRIFIC? ...

#### Salty