Crazy Ass Leftists Strike Again

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Three years ago, San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced a plan to defund the police. Now, with the city short 540 police officers, and a rapidly growing area controlled by violent *******, the mayor is finally asking the federal government to help.

London Breed - “We are in the midst of an unprecedented police staffing shortage… ******** have become increasingly aggressive... Violence and shootings surround these brazen open-air ******* scenes. The problem is beyond our local capacity"
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Elon Musk on the disaster San Fran is today: You could literally film a Walking Dead episode unedited in downtown SF.

This is where San Francisco politics leads and Twitter was exporting this self-destructive mind virus to the world.

With some exceptions, other tech companies are still doing so.

Evil in guise of good.

He posted that in response to someone noting:

Had a 20-minute walk down Market Street with a friend who remarked, "I've never seen anything like this," as his head was on a swivel the entire time. I love SF. What the city has become is unconscionable. Several pockets of 20 to 30 people all off their heads. A number of them with pants barely on. Zombies. The walking dead. Cops observing the proceedings from 100 feet away.

Ahhh the Crazy Ass Leftists destroying city after city.