For 2024, The Dems Win No Matter What.

This NY indictment charade is all about insuring a Democrat win in 2024.

If they succeed in prosecuting Trump, his base will come out in droves during the primaries, insuring Trump the nomination. He will loose to what ever corpse the Dems run.

If Trump beats the rap, he will be insured of the nomination. However, those same college educated white women will still hate his guts. It would be close, but not enough lazy ass white men who would rather be fishing will show up to vote to off set the white woman vote.

If the Republicans decide to run a third candidate on some independent ticket, the Dems win 80 percent of the Electoral College.

The only way the the Republicans win is for Trump to bow out and tell his supporters that no matter what, vote, and vote Republican.
This NY indictment charade is all about insuring a Democrat win in 2024.

If they succeed in prosecuting Trump, his base will come out in droves during the primaries, insuring Trump the nomination. He will loose to what ever corpse the Dems run.

If Trump beats the rap, he will be insured of the nomination. However, those same college educated white women will still hate his guts. It would be close, but not enough lazy ass white men who would rather be fishing will show up to vote to off set the white woman vote.

If the Republicans decide to run a third candidate on some independent ticket, the Dems win 80 percent of the Electoral College.

The only way the the Republicans win is for Trump to bow out and tell his supporters that no matter what, vote, and vote Republican. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That may very well be the best route for him to take.
VitaMan's Avatar
Wouldn't be so sure about that. Just today there is another Republican running for president.

As Trump gets weaker more candidates will emerge.

The only reason Trump always leads in the polls as the top Republican contender is there were no other candidates to choose from.
Wouldn't be so sure about that. Just today there is another Republican running for president.

As Trump gets weaker more candidates will emerge.

The only reason Trump always leads in the polls as the top Republican contender is there were no other candidates to choose from. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Who is it?
"I see your TRUE COLOURS shining through - I see yer True Colours
shining through - don't be afraid - to let 'em show!"

Your True Colours ---- look like a rainbow.

... Trump 2024!

#### Salty
Who is it? Originally Posted by Levianon17

Asa. Given he's been vocal about how he feels about Trump, I'd say donnie now has to figure out who to bash, him or Ron.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Asa. Given he's been vocal about how he feels about Trump, I'd say donnie now has to figure out who to bash, him or Ron. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
asa hutchinson?
VitaMan's Avatar
GOP Republicans have been afraid of Trump.

Possibly not any longer.
Pay attention to the trees rather than the forest. Trump took in $4 million in donations AFTER his indictment. 25% were from first time supporters. By indicting Trump but not Hillary or Hunter, the dems have demonstrated their absolute disrespect for the law.

The OP is correct about one point, this is election tampering on a grand scale. When Trump gets the nomination, I wouldn't be surprised that the dems try to keep Trump in one spot for the campaign. You know, the don't leave town admonition.
Pay attention to the trees rather than the forest. Trump took in $4 million in donations AFTER his indictment. 25% were from first time supporters. By indicting Trump but not Hillary or Hunter, the dems have demonstrated their absolute disrespect for the law.

The OP is correct about one point, this is election tampering on a grand scale. When Trump gets the nomination, I wouldn't be surprised that the dems try to keep Trump in one spot for the campaign. You know, the don't leave town admonition. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

This isn't election tampering. The Drumpter fire is a private citizen, just like some on the board (excluding the foreign trolls). donnie has a base of approx 30%, and while it's sad to think that almost 1/3 of voters are BSC, it's the state he's dragged this country down to. You can't win elections with 30%, that's not tampering, it's something called math.

The sooner donnie is out of politics completely, the sooner the Republicans will realize the math. You can't win elections based on policies that 70% of the voting population OPPOSE. Only then will the Republican party begin to right itself, and we can move back having a healthy two party system. You want Republicans to win? Present alternatives to MTG, LB, JJ, MG, PG, etc... As long as you're promoting BSC policies, from BSC candidates, get used to LOSING.
VitaMan's Avatar
Pay attention to the trees rather than the forest. Trump took in $4 million in donations AFTER his indictment. 25% were from first time supporters. By indicting Trump but not Hillary or Hunter, the dems have demonstrated their absolute disrespect for the law.

The OP is correct about one point, this is election tampering on a grand scale. When Trump gets the nomination, I wouldn't be surprised that the dems try to keep Trump in one spot for the campaign. You know, the don't leave town admonition. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Pay attention to the thread topic so you don't get more points and then wonder why.
  • Tiny
  • 04-02-2023, 02:02 PM
This NY indictment charade is all about insuring a Democrat win in 2024.

If they succeed in prosecuting Trump, his base will come out in droves during the primaries, insuring Trump the nomination. He will loose to what ever corpse the Dems run.

If Trump beats the rap, he will be insured of the nomination. However, those same college educated white women will still hate his guts. It would be close, but not enough lazy ass white men who would rather be fishing will show up to vote to off set the white woman vote.

If the Republicans decide to run a third candidate on some independent ticket, the Dems win 80 percent of the Electoral College.

The only way the the Republicans win is for Trump to bow out and tell his supporters that no matter what, vote, and vote Republican. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Excellent analysis Jackie. I don't normally vote on threads, but just voted yours 5 stars.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wouldn't be so sure about that. Just today there is another Republican running for president.

As Trump gets weaker more candidates will emerge.

The only reason Trump always leads in the polls as the top Republican contender is there were no other candidates to choose from. Originally Posted by VitaMan

at the moment his poll numbers are surging. we'll see how that holds up by next year.

Trump surges to 30-point lead over DeSantis among Republicans: poll

asa hutchinson? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

yes Asa Hutchinson says he's running.

Former Arkansas Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson announces White House bid

he's 72, like Biden and Trump he's too old. Biden isn't mentally fit now to be president. what's his jello mind gonna be like 5 years from now? no guarantee Trump or Hutchinson would be fit to be president for a 4 year term either.

so far Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, now Hutchinson and of course Trump are running. there will be more before it's convention time. i think 8-10 total will run for the RNC nomination.

many think a lot of republicans will get in the race because they think Trump can't win. i say they'll run because they think Biden is beatable. and he is.

the worst case for republicans that would hand the Democrats a win in 2024 is for Trump to lose the RNC nomination and declare as a 3rd party candidate. but by that time in July/August 2024 Trump might not be able to get on the ballot in all 50 states which means he can't win.

Ross Perot's supporters in 1992 started several months before either the Republican or Democratic conventions to qualify for the ballot on all 50 states, which was successful.

how does Trump do this if he waits till the RNC convention and loses the nomination? could he play both sides of the coin and register as an independent as well as Republican before the convention? i don't see how that could be done legally.

and then there is DeSantis.does he run? he's certainly considering it. i think he will run, not to run against Trump but because he thinks Biden is beatable.
texassapper's Avatar
The only way the the Republicans win is for Trump to bow out and tell his supporters that no matter what, vote, and vote Republican. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You are wrong. Trump should fight... That's what his base wants a fighter not a pussy. We could have had Jeb.
The trouble is that Trump has to fight, and get it done quickly to expose lawless Democrats for what they are really are doing, destroying any semblance of a fair election. Then Trump could step aside and endorse another Republican.

If Trump quits right away, the Democrats will just indict the next Republican candidate, as they are not following the law or the United States Constitution.