Encounter: KimberlyJ a total doll!

  • Xman
  • 04-03-2023, 01:42 PM
Date: 3/30
Name: KimberlyJ
User ID:: Unk
Phone: 817 230-3552
Email Address: Unk
URL / Website: https://tryst.link/massage/kimberlyjay
City: Fort worth
State: -
Address: Near the stockyards
Activities: Fbsm, titty worship, fiv, dirty talk and hjtc
Hair Length and Color: Long dark with some curls
Age: 40 plus
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Native/First Nations
Physical Description: Kimberly has the ultimate milf body. Muscular but also very feminine. Beautiful body, awesome tits, nice face and sulty and seductive voice.
Recommendation: Yes
She is fantastic. I have visited her for the last ten years off and on.