Kudos to Newsweek for publishing the truth

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After a radical leftist Trans Terrorist killed 6 Christians in Nashville & another radical leftist Trans Terrorist was arrested in Colorado Springs for planning to do the same, this growing terrorist threat can no longer be ignored

Acceptable Hate: Assaults on Christianity Go Overlooked

The alarming escalation of animosity toward Christians in America can no longer be ignored. The pro-abortion, anti-family radical Left has sought tirelessly to undermine the nuclear family, religion, and traditional values for years. And it's working. A recent Wall Street Journal poll found that just 39 percent of Americans say their religious faith is very important to them, down from 62 percent a quarter of a century ago. As radical leftists advance their secular agenda, intolerance for those who hold true to Christian values has become increasingly palpable.

The recent shooting at a private Christian academy in Nashville by Audrey Hale, a transgender individual with a detailed manifesto and maps, is a chilling example of the escalating violence against faith. This attack, which was clearly premeditated, targeted a Christian school with a biblical theology curriculum, representing the Christian values that the shooter sought to destroy.

Following the tragic events in Nashville, left-wing journalists, columnists, entertainers, and activists directed their ire toward Christians and conservatives rather than mourning the victims and condemning the violence. Instead of offering sympathy and support, they made callous remarks that not only mocked the Christian faith but also blamed the victims themselves. This cold-hearted response exemplifies the escalating hostility toward Christians, in which an ideological battle eclipses empathy and compassion.

The Left's assault on faith is widespread, however, as the values that underpin our American ethos are being consistently undermined. Media voices have attacked and vilified symbols of Christianity before. Last August, the Atlantic published an article declaring that the Catholic rosary had become a "symbol" of religious radicalism. What used to be a symbol of prayer and meditation was assigned a far darker meaning in modern times.
To be honest, "hateful rhetoric" is putting it lightly. Far-left activist and actor Jane Fonda went on The View recently to suggest abortion-seeking women shouldn't abide by laws. They could even resort to "murder" to have "control of their bodies."

