Dallas Studio Forum

BigBamboo's Avatar
It appears this forum has degraded to only promoters promoting reviews to other promoters. Kind of like a trade show with few to no buyers attending. Just peddlers peddling their tawdry wares to one another in a game of one-upsmanship.

The reviews I’m reading are sparse of any interesting content and devoid of any valuable detail. Downright boring to say the least. Most are completely misleading and misinforming. I’ve read technical manuals that were more engaging and entertaining. Gone are the days of a good old Bobby Man review.

Perhaps the new laws have had something to do with the lack of quality reviews. Maybe the fierce competition between studios has as well. Whatever the case may be it is certainly a different time than before. And I’m quickly losing interest, as a result.

Anyone else feel the same?
I wouldnt say im losing interest.. but it does feel like every visit is going to be more of a TOFTT feel. There are a few people who I will read and know I can get a feel of what to expect.. but other than that.. yeah. Trolls, jokers and cant really tell what to trust.
BigBamboo's Avatar
I wouldnt say im losing interest.. but it does feel like every visit is going to be more of a TOFTT feel. There are a few people who I will read and know I can get a feel of what to expect.. but other than that.. yeah. Trolls, jokers and cant really tell what to trust. Originally Posted by RickyG2002
Yep! Your comment aligns with mine about misleading reviews and misinformation they contain. Definitely a gamble after reading certain reviews.

My disinterest related to that involves my time and money. Not worth wasting.
Yeah. Same for me. I mean these prices are not cheap and for me, I only hobby once a week.. and I would rather have that once a week hookup be a good one. For the most part, GreenLight has been good to me and they will probably be where I tend to go with unless we have some good reviews on anyone else I may be interested at the time.
Agreed, it's become a treasure trove of BS. First we just got over hyped reviews from the multiple handles, mostly Blossom & Kfest. Now getting smear campaigns against studios from new handles. It's definitely removing the value of this review board. Now have to rely on ops who have good track records for reviews and it's getting less and less of them to choose from....now I look at ppls post and review history to see if they are a shill for a studio or not. You can't lie in analytics. Perfect example....since I won't give them the glory or credit of posting their handle; there is a new negative review. If you look at the users post and reviews history they are an obvious shill for blossom. Not calling out just this studio but it's definitely one of the worst. For the few real hobbiest left we just have to keep posting good info for the community and keep calling out the BS
BigBamboo's Avatar
Agreed, it's become a treasure trove of BS. First we just got over hyped reviews from the multiple handles, mostly Blossom & Kfest. Now getting smear campaigns against studios from new handles. It's definitely removing the value of this review board. Now have to rely on ops who have good track records for reviews and it's getting less and less of them to choose from....now I look at ppls post and review history to see if they are a shill for a studio or not. You can't lie in analytics. Perfect example....since I won't give them the glory or credit of posting their handle; there is a new negative review. If you look at the users post and reviews history they are an obvious shill for blossom. Not calling out just this studio but it's definitely one of the worst. For the few real hobbiest left we just have to keep posting good info for the community and keep calling out the BS Originally Posted by txcasper
Great points! I mentioned the fierce competition right now between studios. Those reviews you hint at certainly aren’t reviews from a real customer. You’re absolutely correct about all the bullshit. This forum is more full of it now than ever before.

I’ve been corresponding outside of this forum with trusted members to get better review intel. It’s been more valuable lately than this forum.
This guy is going to make some posters out of their business. Pretty fucked up for taking someone’s livelihood!

Now, I like this guy (Bamboo). Very good man. You’ll be the first guy that got my respect on this board to speaking out.

In short time, I can tell obvious promoters (KF, Sun, AS) and not so obvious promoters (LA, GL). I also become aware that some Korean cab drivers are promoting for LA and GL ladies.

This been going on on Los Angeles board on TER for many year but SJ board on TER have been clean. TER is much harder to break in with reviews and can’t bump without writing a review. That’s why Dallas promoters are not on TER (except for one or two I been told).
I am here because this is only place I can get info about Dallas. I just didn’t know how polluted it was.

On my recent trip, I had to walk out of two girls because their pictures were way off or review was way off. I am sure I am banned from those agencies but don’t give a shit. I don’t live in Dallas.
tiggold's Avatar
This guy is going to make some posters out of their business. Pretty fucked up for taking someone’s livelihood!

Now, I like this guy (Bamboo). Very good man. You’ll be the first guy that got my respect on this board to speaking out.

In short time, I can tell obvious promoters (KF, Sun, AS) and not so obvious promoters (LA, GL). I also become aware that some Korean cab drivers are promoting for LA and GL ladies.

This been going on on Los Angeles board on TER for many year but SJ board on TER have been clean. TER is much harder to break in with reviews and can’t bump without writing a review. That’s why Dallas promoters are not on TER (except for one or two I been told).
I am here because this is only place I can get info about Dallas. I just didn’t know how polluted it was.

On my recent trip, I had to walk out of two girls because their pictures were way off or review was way off. I am sure I am banned from those agencies but don’t give a shit. I don’t live in Dallas. Originally Posted by chungjang

I've never walked out but have been dissappointed with the girl not matching the pictures. I've even show some of the girls and said this is what they show as you. I get the that's not me or that is a old photoshop picture. It's a hit or miss. I missed Red and Lovely.

And the new pricing with extra for 2nd shot and CIM is getting bad.
Ive never walked out on a girl.. there was probably 1 or two that I probably could have... but little head won the argument. As long as she isnt ugly AF and service is on point, ill have a good time.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Any non-AMP studios are fewer and far between nowadays. There are a couple that advertise elsewhere, but there are also a couple of them that stay close to the vest and do not allow their clients to review nor talk any type of Intel about them, if they want to remain a client and they all do!
Very unfortunate, but I have pretty much abandoned the studio scene because of this very reason. Intel is completely unreliable and prices are too high to take the risk. Frustrating because it could be so great.
Truth of the matter is Dallas will never have what California (orange county) has. Dallas is overflow for the ones that can't compete out there. Save your money and just go to Thailand.
It appears this forum has degraded to only promoters promoting reviews to other promoters. Kind of like a trade show with few to no buyers attending. Just peddlers peddling their tawdry wares to one another in a game of one-upsmanship.

The reviews I’m reading are sparse of any interesting content and devoid of any valuable detail. Downright boring to say the least. Most are completely misleading and misinforming. I’ve read technical manuals that were more engaging and entertaining. Gone are the days of a good old Bobby Man review.

Perhaps the new laws have had something to do with the lack of quality reviews. Maybe the fierce competition between studios has as well. Whatever the case may be it is certainly a different time than before. And I’m quickly losing interest, as a result.

Anyone else feel the same? Originally Posted by BigBamboo
I Agree with ALL the comments posted so far. The promoters are ruining the trust that most hobbyists have in reviews. The studios are going overboard in their photoshop. The upsell shit has to stop. 300/hr plus tip is good money. Many guys are picking other girls because of upsell. I stopped seeing independants because the studios are better looking and better service but, now that trend is going down hill. Is it too much to ask to read an honest review? Even if the girl is subpar, I look for honest service.
100%. This forum is filled with promoters propping up girls that don't deserve it. The lack of quality girls is one reason why promoters are trying so hard. If studios got higher quality women, I think the need of promoters would die down. Hell, a fellow member of this forum told me he got a text from a booker of a certain agency asking him to visit a certain girl. They are doing their own promos too.
aJohnDough's Avatar
I just ignore them and only look for the real reviews like some of y’all here.

One thing I do is anyone with a join date of 2020-2023, I automatically see them a suspect