Hello Everyone!
Most of this thread I copied from one of my reples to a thread in Virginia, but I would like to "talk" to my favorite gals here at home in Mississippi too. Note that the following may not apply for all your clients, and always use reasonable discretion except for the most secure communications (like a PM on this site). Be safe, and be happy!
Although somewhat new to the hobby, I feel it is also important for providers to maintain (discreet) communications with existing or potential clients. If you say you will call, email, or text later, be sure to do so. Perhaps nothing frustrates a client or potential client as much as a provider failing to respond when he/she has made a sincere attempt to contact said provider. He (or she) will likely shop elsewhere.
Additionally, not every provider is "GFE", nor does every client desire "GFE", however, (providers) don't hesitate to carry on a little light banter with your clients. I am well aware that this is a "business", but getting an occasional PM, email, or even innocuous text from a provider helps keep them in the front of my mind. When choosing where to spend my time and money, even the fantasy that a provider actually wants to see me factors GREATLY in the selection process. I'm not saying I need to hear "I LOVE YOU" or other obvious falsehoods, but a wink, smiley, or phrase that helps to remind of a private moment once shared is a tremendous incentive for re-scheduling with a provider. Yes, it's important to "Walk the Walk" as mentioned earlier, but sometimes even a little one-on-one "talk" can make all the difference. Someone once said "$xx is 90% mental and 10% physical". That may not be true for all, but almost EVERY business is highly dependent on open communiciations between "buyer" and "seller"
"magichands" Ladies... Once you experience one of my massages, YOU'LL want to be the "client".