And that's fine. You can like something because of what it is.
This thread is more aimed at people liking something because of what the owners have to say. My parents own a mypillow and they like it. I was always indifferent to it.
But specifically liking mypillow or hobby lobby because they started to cater to extremists... ends up making YOU the demographic that are catering to. IE, an extremist. So good on you for having an opinion that isn't controlled by big brother!
Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... I surely understand what you mean there, mate.
When I was at Trump University and gettin' a good
education, I perchased Trump steaks - from the finest beef
- and Trump neck-ties - made from the finest silk.
People are free to perchase whatever products
they fancy... Or to NOT perchase.
### Salty