Encounter: Oasis Wellness Spa in Syracuse, New York

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User ID: Brianfla38
Date: 4/18/2023
Name: Selina
Phone: 929-939-5252
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://oasiswellnessspany.com/
City: Syracuse
State: New York
Address: West Genesee St.
Activities: Massage + + H.J., B.J. 69, Nipple Play, nice nice CBT, CMK.
Hair Length and Color: Dark Brown Shoulder length
Age: 30's?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Very very cute, beautiful skin, nice behind, maybe 5'6" Sailor's out fit, good b cup for sure ,everything very clean and smooth
Recommendation: Yes
Yeah. She’s a great talent. I wish she was permanent.
I'll definitely be going next week
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Closed mouth kissing