IRS Plans to Hire Gun-Carrying Agents In All 50 States to Harass Hard-Working Americans

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the Biden tax police coming for USA

IRS Plans to Hire Gun-Carrying Agents In All 50 States to Harass Hard-Working Americans

Sarah Arnold | April 28, 2023 7:45 PM

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) plans to place special gun-carrying agents in all 50 U.S. states.

According to the agency’s website, the Criminal Investigation (CI) division is looking for IRS employees authorized by law to carry and use firearms, which are responsible for investigating financial crimes, money laundering, tax-related identity theft, and terrorist financing efforts.

The “major duties” listed for the position say that agents will be trained to “follow the money” and prosecute any financial crimes.

“No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government,” the website reads.

Additionally, agents must carry a gun and be prepared to protect themselves from physical attacks without any warning. The description for the role also cautions that the agent may face life-threatening situations forcing them to use a firearm.
Special agents with the CI division must also be able to pass pre-employment medical and tax exams and be “willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”


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The website indicates that would-be agents must remain physically fit to respond to life-threatening situations while on the clock.

The job posting lists 360 vacancies in 249 locations nationwide — at least one in each state.

The IRS faced heavy criticism last year when after Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which included $80 billion in increased funding for the IRS for over a decade during a recession at a time when inflation was well over nine percent. The agency also announced that it would add at least 87,000 agents to the force to harass hard-working Americans.
Precious_b's Avatar
Seeing they are understaffed, about time they put a tiny bit more people on the payroll.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Seeing they are understaffed, about time they put a tiny bit more people on the payroll. Originally Posted by Precious_b

oh sure, the IRS SWAT NAZI's need armed reinforcements to raid those mom and pop doughnut shops after they give away all those free doughnuts to the cops.

You see the response of the statists among us. The government, their government, can do no wrong. Nor do they see anything wrong with what is being proposed. They, like B, are sheep. Docile sheep to be used and abused.

As to the OP, I'd like to see what powers these "armed IRS agents" have. Can they enter my home without a warrant? That would be a mistake. Can they arrest me on the street? That's a difficult concept in a free country. Can they imprison me without a trial? Ask many of the January 6th defendants. Of course, people like B will say, if you've paid your taxes then you have nothing to worry about. B is a fool. There have been many stories that when the IRS is involved, you have to prove your innocence, not them having to prove your guilt. We've had recent cases where the IRS has taken actions against Americans based on the "belief" that taxes have not been paid. We don't even want to get into the IRS targeting conservative groups. We know that happened but no one swung from a yardarm for it.
Precious_b's Avatar
oh sure, the IRS SWAT NAZI's need armed reinforcements to raid those mom and pop doughnut shops after they give away all those free doughnuts to the cops.

BAAHHHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I guess they save the Elliot Ness squad for bigger things.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I guess they save the Elliot Ness squad for bigger things. Originally Posted by Precious_b

i find your belief you can debate me intellectually amusing. Ness was a Prohibition agent. but you knew that, right?

Were the untouchables IRS agents?

Untouchables were special agents of the U.S. Bureau of Prohibition led by Eliot Ness, who, from 1930 to 1932, worked to end Al Capone's illegal activities by aggressively enforcing Prohibition laws against his organization.

was Eliot Ness with the IRS?

No, it's entirely a myth: Ness never served as one of our agents. But…he did work for Director J. Edgar Hoover for nearly six weeks.Jan 3, 2007

Untouchables were special agents of the U.S. Bureau of Prohibition led by Eliot Ness, who, from 1930 to 1932, worked to end Al Capone's illegal activities by aggressively enforcing Prohibition laws against his organization. Legendary for being fearless and incorruptible, they earned the nickname "The Untouchables" after several agents refused large bribes from members of the Chicago Outfit.[1]: 311–331, 349–365, 390–394, 3 98–399, 492–496 
Precious_b's Avatar
Is that what we are doing here? Debating?
And an "intellectual" one at that on a hooker board?

Guess I was late to the party.

Well, ima game.

Just because irs and atf are both under the wing of the treasury dept. doesn't mean a thing.

And for intellect, why would I even bother to do that with someone who has refused to believe that their from-the-mouth-of-god info is from mainstream fake news.

I'm still waiting for you to disprove the kangaroo man news name ain't from 20th century fox, which is main stream and been around nearly as long as ABC.

Nah. I wouldn't make that mistake to match my two neurons with a person who believes viewer # == truth content.

Good night clarence.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is that what we are doing here? Debating?
And an "intellectual" one at that on a hooker board?

Guess I was late to the party.

Well, ima game.

Just because irs and atf are both under the wing of the treasury dept. doesn't mean a thing.

And for intellect, why would I even bother to do that with someone who has refused to believe that their from-the-mouth-of-god info is from mainstream fake news.

I'm still waiting for you to disprove the kangaroo man news name ain't from 20th century fox, which is main stream and been around nearly as long as ABC.


Founded June 15, 1945; 77 years ago

FOX News

Launched October 7, 1996; 26 years ago[2]

Nah. I wouldn't make that mistake to match my two neurons with a person who believes viewer # == truth content.

Good night clarence. Originally Posted by Precious_b

if you say so
Wow! The fact that you missed out about the debate says volumes about your competency to be on this site. Why not confine your activities to writing reviews about providers. The reason I found this site years ago was I found a pretty thoughtful defense of some topic. It turned out to be written by a provider from Kansas City. She set the bar pretty high and most of you miss making the cut.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seeing they are understaffed, about time they put a tiny bit more people on the payroll. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Understaffed for what or whom? 87,000 is a small number?!? Here's an idea - simplify the tax code. Problem solved. But you can bet your bottom dollar that those armed agents are not storming into the CPA and law offices of the wealthy. They are meant for you and me. Plain and simple.

But let's entertain stupidity for a second. Let's pretend they are going to storm the office towers of the wealthy. Who is going to donate to their boss' campaign the next election cycle?
OLD news...already been adequately debunked.
matchingmole's Avatar
oh sure, the IRS SWAT NAZI's need armed reinforcements to raid those mom and pop doughnut shops after they give away all those free doughnuts to the cops.

BAAHHHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The cops need sugar to fend off all those Trumptards that keep rioting
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
OLD news...already been adequately debunked. Originally Posted by reddog1951


IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel confirmed today that the IRS plans to hire roughly 1,200 additional armed IRS agents as a result of the $80 billion in increased IRS funding passed in Democrats’ misnamed Inflation Reduction Act.

While testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday, Werfel confirmed that it “sounds about right” when asked by Rep. Adrian Smith (R-Neb.) if he could confirm the IRS’ Criminal Investigation Unit planned to add “an approximate net gain of 1,200 special agents considering attrition.” Werfel then went on to confirm that those same agents “are armed.”
... Here's a crackerjack idea - hire-on all those armed
agents as school teachers... They can serve and protect
the school houses in America... Keep the joeys safe.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar

Founded June 15, 1945; 77 years ago

FOX News

Launched October 7, 1996; 26 years ago[2] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Jeff Harris, Television historian and network consultant, says
"At the time of this publication (January 17, 2020), FOX and FOX News Channel are units of FOX Corporation, a multinational media company owned by Australian media magnate Rupert Murdoch. 20th Century Fox is a film and television unit owned by The Walt Disney Company.
20th Century Fox was founded in 1935 after the merger of Fox Film (founded in 1915) and Twentieth Century Pictures (founded in 1933). Murdoch purchased an equity stake in Fox in 1985 and, after becoming an American citizen and purchasing the Metromedia Group in late 1985, completed to buy the rest of the company in 1986.

Using the Metromedia purchase, Murdoch launched the Fox Broadcasting Company, largely known on-air as FOX, on October 9, 1986. After acquiring rights to the NFC package of the National Football League (NFL), Fox bought New World Communications’ network group and other affiliates, mostly affiliated with CBS, to expand their footprint across the country. ..."

So, who is this Metromedia Group? A company that owned TV and radio stations from the '50s with roots from Dumont Television Network in 1931.

Just being a guy with a couple of neurons to rub together, I guess hobbying in those Holiday Inn rooms paid off since you seem to be ignoring what you've come to call "woke" roots.

if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid