Something a CPO once told me. When you're young, stupid, and reckless you need rules to keep you clear of a lot of things. Once you get older and seasoned, you realize that what you're about to do is not a good idea. Some rules become less important then. Those rules are like training wheels.
The US military has to deal with a lot of stupid, young people. The military has to keep them safe from themselves many times. The morning muster is see if you made it through the night and in what state. If you come in hung over all the time a good leader will want to know what is going on with you. Going into a foreign port, you will be told NOT to go into certain parts of town for your own safety.
We're losing that in the civilian world starting with education. Remember how homework HAD to be turned in on time. Today, turning in homework is optional. You don't really learn math and science except by doing it over and over again. Today, you just ask Alexa. Showing up on time for work? That is so 20th century. Many employers today don't want to hire someone younger than 30. It's just not worth the trouble in most cases. Another rule, don't speed away from the police, don't act like you're a badass, and don't pretend that you have a real gun. You know, rules are for stupid people.