Do any of the ladies take credit cards

I was wondering if any of the ladies take credit cards and I don’t think that we are far from becoming a cash-less country. It’s already in the making and we will only have electronic transactions
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes, several I know use the Square App.

Every gal that I know in Kansas City, and every gal the ECG knows from her world, all take the various numerous type of cash transfers.

I know some that will also take checks and their handhelds are set up to do picture deposits to their bank accounts.

The only gal I know that took bitcoin cancelled that after a couple months cause the fees/commissions were ridiculous.
Cendell M's Avatar
Cash app that’s bout it
What rewards point category would a provider/escort fall into?
Michael8219's Avatar
Dining or entertainment
Use cashapp and tie your cc to it.
I think women should require cash app, or some other electronic form of transaction to protect themselves I don’t think the police would actually send money that they would not recover, and the women should collect the money upfront. I don’t have any problem, paying upfront with well known providers, but I don’t think I would pay upfront with anybody on the list crawler but I think as long as she is well reviewed and has a good reputation, it would be OK
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Just visit the ATM at the local bank and get you the money you need for your fee and be done with it. No worries about this and that, no being tied to her accounts or her to your accounts. Cash is king and has worked for thousands of years. People can rob you of your credit cards as easy as they can cash. Also, they've kicked this hobby to a felony and you don't want any bank, credit card, or any sort of paper trails. It's not rocket science.
Cendell M's Avatar
I think women should require cash app, or some other electronic form of transaction to protect themselves I don’t think the police would actually send money that they would not recover, and the women should collect the money upfront. I don’t have any problem, paying upfront with well known providers, but I don’t think I would pay upfront with anybody on the list crawler but I think as long as she is well reviewed and has a good reputation, it would be OK Originally Posted by SeaPro62
Newb, you’d be surprised what the popo’s will do… I accept cash app but cash is always better. You must like a paper trail hmmm ( thinking) Spidey senses have been activated
NordicJag's Avatar
CM, once we had shown him to be a fraud, I thought that he might slither away, but I guess not.
Cendell M's Avatar
Guess he took a page out of shitrooms book “ The Goat” lol
No fraud what I was thinking is that cops won’t pay with cash app because they can’t get the money back so you can weed out the police like that. That’s all I was saying nothing else.
Cendell M does anyone ever actually spend money on you? I’m thinking there’s only a few 60 year old prostitutes that can still pull it off but you ain’t one. You troll on here every day all day long and no one wants to spend money on you . No reviews for years. Maybe you should get a door greeting job at Walmart, my grandmother did that for a few years before she died at 95 years old. I’m just saying that maybe you should quit trolling and get a real job. I own a Heating and AC business and I’m looking for a parts runner if you’re interested can you pass a background check and a clean driving record? If so pm me
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Cendell M does anyone ever actually spend money on you? I’m thinking there’s only a few 60 year old prostitutes that can still pull it off but you ain’t one. You troll on here every day all day long and no one wants to spend money on you . No reviews for years. Maybe you should get a door greeting job at Walmart, my grandmother did that for a few years before she died at 95 years old. I’m just saying that maybe you should quit trolling and get a real job. I own a Heating and AC business and I’m looking for a parts runner if you’re interested can you pass a background check and a clean driving record? If so pm me Originally Posted by SeaPro62

You're running off with your fucking mouth and haven't even been on this site for a month. You don't know shit, unless you're using another username, in which case you should be perma-banned.