Not your grandfather's navy or mine. Trans ambassador

Why can't these idiots just be mass shooters or something like the guy in Atlanta. (He was actually Coast Guard) Instead we have "Harper Daniels" doing his show and the navy actually bit. Seems so long ago how embarrassed the navy was when they used The Village People in a recruitment video. Now, someone up high (meaning politics) has okayed using drag queens.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Maybe it's because we created some super-double secret weapons to control Russia and China that we no longer need to have a military. What it is is still a mystery though. At the moment, all that China and Russia know is that recruitment in US military is way, way down and what little they are recruiting and training is being indoctrinated in all manner of garbage that has absolutely nothing to do with the mission. Notwithstanding that we are depleting our munitions by the boat load in the most corrupt country on the planet.

So it's only logical that it must be because we have some super-double secret weapons to control Russia and China. Otherwise, we should invest a few grad on gallows in Washington DC to weed out our own corrupt politicos and woke-assed idiots, which might just have the added benefit of reducing our taxes once more of the former are culled.
texassapper's Avatar
Look Marines and Soldiers have ALWAY known the Navy was a little light in it's deck shoes. This just improves the recruiting in the San Francisco YMCA bath house.

But yeah, it's pretty fcuking disgusting. I'm surprised anyone wants to hotbunk with that freak.
I bet the Chinese are getting a good laugh.

Xi to one of his underlings…….”those payments to that Biden Bunch are bringing big dividends”.
Precious_b's Avatar
TS, you'd have to say that on barleys thread
texassapper's Avatar
TS, you'd have to say that on barleys thread Originally Posted by Precious_b
Rum, sodomy, and the lash. It's not the one of those three I would choose to implement for the Navy, but I can only assume the SECNAV knows their branch needs better than I.
Rum, sodomy, and the lash....that's the British navy mate. You forgot cannibalism.

I have made a decision. I'm going to send my Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist pin to the Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Torro.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
In my experience, the last thing you teach a recruit is to “be themselves”. In fact, it’s the complete opposite of how you build an effective fighting force. Trainees are stripped of their individuality, by design, and reprogrammed to put the team above all else, including their own lives.