Proud Boys getting what they deserve!!! Seditious Conspiracy

rmg_35's Avatar
Justice!!! Another group of election denying January 6th insurrectionist imbeciles getting what they deserve. Once again, justice prevails. This is what happens when you fill your head with far-right radical conspiracy bullshit and listen to the lies of tRump, faux, and the rest of the radical right-wing news media. Even though all the evidence was readily available, these morons and the rest of the January 6th insurrectionist asshole chose to listen the three lies.

Love how the proud boys lawyers stated in defense,"it was donald trump's words. It was his motivation. It was his anger that caused what occurred on January 6th in your beautiful and amazing city".

tRump is a lying pieces of shit, but also if faux news had any journalistic integrity and reported the truth, all of this could have been avoided. It's amazing that the maga radical right-wing nutjobs still believe the lies and bullshit.
Lock every single one of these Pretend Patriots up. Talk about mentally ill. The trump cult is at least as deranged as any tranny you'll ever meet.
rmg_35's Avatar
Lock every single one of these Pretend Patriots up. Talk about mentally ill. The trump cult is at least as deranged as any tranny you'll ever meet. Originally Posted by tommy156
Your 100% correct. This is the disease of the far-right extremism and the maga movement. They are not patriots, they are violent insurrectionist.
May all these cucks-for-trump have fun rotting in prison (up to 20 years). The gears of justice turn slowly sometimes, but they do indeed turn. Today is a great day for democracy and for anyone sick of these whackjob conspiracy theories coming from the far right for the past 7+ years. Fuck 'em all. Let them spin their way out of this shit. I'll make the popcorn 🍿
rmg_35's Avatar

The proud boys Verdict states clearly that January 6th was an insurrection. It wasn't a site-seeing tour. It wasn't a peaceful protest, but tuckdumbs, faux news, maga, tRump worshipers will continue to lie and spread there bullshit on the events of the day. Really sad, pathetic, and truly un-American.
Truly, truly 100% unAmerican. Everything our Founding Fathers warned against. Fox News, Tucker, Hannity et. al. are a cancerous tumor on America's nutsack.

I'm sure the cult people will continue to argue that "none of this really happened", but that's what members of a cult will do. Such a wonderful sense of satisfaction when (at least some of) the cult gets dragged, kicking and screaming, back into reality. Lolololol.
All quiet on the Pretend Patriot front... lol. Seems like this one whipped a few of them back into reality a little.

Guess what? Just because you "feel" the election was stolen doesn't mean shit. Fuck your feelings, remember? Bring the evidence or STFU. Proud Boys? Oathkeepers? They're in jail now. For what they did on January 6, 2021. Still don't believe anything happened that day? They each get one phone call. Why don't you ask them about it?
rmg_35's Avatar
All quiet on the Pretend Patriot front... lol. Seems like this one whipped a few of them back into reality a little.

Guess what? Just because you "feel" the election was stolen doesn't mean shit. Fuck your feelings, remember? Bring the evidence or STFU. Proud Boys? Oathkeepers? They're in jail now. For what they did on January 6, 2021. Still don't believe anything happened that day? They each get one phone call. Why don't you ask them about it? Originally Posted by tommy156
They only want to post on their threads and try to bait people. Wonder how many of the maga crowd here were also at the insurrection January 6th. Anybody want to admit it, or are you waiting your turn in court.

14 people have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy. That's not a peaceful protest or "site seeing" like that jackass Carlson vomited on his show. Peter Schwartz just got 14 years for assulting police officers by spraying pepper spray at them. But again, maga claims it was a peaceful protest. Blind, ignorant, stupid people with their heads buried in the sand.