Encounter: RRR-Beware

User ID: -
Date: 05/21/2023
Name: RRR-Tracy
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Austin/RR
State: Texas
Address: 620 Austin
Activities: FBSM, L1
Hair Length and Color: Black Long
Age: 30
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Very nice body. Even small ass Face 6/10.
Recommendation: No
I agree with OP, that location doesn’t give you any privacy and the businesses next door are watching, well I feel like they are. Plenty of other places to go to, not in Wilco. Thanks for the intel.
Casanova29's Avatar
I stopped going there for the same reason...
RREB's Avatar
  • RREB
  • 05-28-2023, 12:14 PM
There is a bar next door on one side and a nail saloon on the other. I don't think either has the desire to watch to keep an eye on them. You can park in back and not be noticed. They will get the same scrutiny as any other amp no reason to be paranoid of RRR if you frequent others also.