Memorial Day

berryberry's Avatar
On this Memorial Day, remember those who served and gave their lives to our country

Be like President Trump when he visited Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day and was told by a mother

“My son loved his country. He said, ‘Mama, I hope people don’t forget that I ever lived.’”

“I will remember," President Trump promised her.

berryberry's Avatar
Don't be like dirtbag Senile Biden

Never forget how Senile Biden looked at his watch during the returning of caskets for 13 military members killed in his chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal

He sent them to their deaths & disrespected their return home

He is a disgrace

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bambino's Avatar
Don't be like dirtbag Senile Biden

Never forget how Senile Biden looked at his watch during the returning of caskets for 13 military members killed in his chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal

He sent them to their deaths & disrespected their return home

He is a disgrace

Originally Posted by berryberry
Totally disgusting.
I will certainly take time to remember the brave men who have served and paid the ultimate price.

I won't be politicizing this day the way that you just did.
bambino's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
My dad was a Fireman on this ship. He and his brother, a Sophomore and a Junior in high school, lied about their ages to enlist in the navy after Pearl Harbor. He survived, most of his friends didn’t. I was 9 when he died at home of natural causes.
bambino's Avatar
My dad was Fireman 1st Class on this ship. He survived, most of his friends didn’t. I was 9 when he died of natural causes. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I was 11. He served in the Korean War, my father in law was a tail gunner on a B17 in WW2. Flew 11 missions.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I wonder if the high schools would empty of boys after something like Pearl Harbor today, like they were then.
bambino's Avatar
I wonder if the high schools would empty of boys after something like Pearl Harbor today, like they were then. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I doubt it. Many don’t know what gender they are nowadays.
berryberry's Avatar
I wonder if the high schools would empty of boys after something like Pearl Harbor today, like they were then. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I think it was quite common back then. My father in law went and left school early to serve in the Korean War when he was 16. He survived and before he passed about 10 years ago, his high school had a graduation ceremony for him and others in his class who left early to serve our country

Today, that would never happen given how leftists have attacked patriotism and destroyed the military with a bunch of woke bullshit

“I will remember," President Trump promised her. Originally Posted by berryberry
And promptly forgot as soon as she was out of his site.
I remember how trump treated the armed forces!
You people are shameless!
I was 11. He served in the Korean War, my father in law was a tail gunner on a B17 in WW2. Flew 11 missions. Originally Posted by bambino

And you did what?
All of you talk about if the high schools would empty as the did in ww2
You didn't need a existential crisis to enlist! You could have went but you were busy taking care of number one!
You talk about these kids not knowing what gender they are And their possible unwillingness to serve, what do you know!
What did you do?
You obviously didn't serve, so honestly I don't think you should be throwing rocks at anybody if you did nothing yourself!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s not just gender. Well over half of kids today couldn’t enlist if they wanted to because they’re either to fat, to stupid, can’t pass the tox screening, or some combination thereof. Half of the half end up dropped from BCT because they can’t handle the psychological side.

How did Trump treat the military iyo, BDJ? As far as I can tell he treated them with respect and admiration.