This is what the Leftists have wrought

berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden's America

Two employees fired for calling the police on thieves.

A Lululemon in Atlanta was being robbed, and after being robbed multiple times already recently the Manager and an employee decided to video, follow them and get their license plat and call the police. Thanks to them the thieves were captured.

The two employees were fired by Lululemon because they have a zero tolerance policy. What is happening to this country?

berryberry's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
This happened in FL under Trump and DeSantis

Around the same time this was happening in Trump's America

This happened back in 2010

I know someone that got fired in 1998 for chasing a shoplifter out into the lot in violation of company policy.

So let's just say this isn't all that new of an issue.
Don't confuse them with facts, HD.
berryberry's Avatar
Video of the fine upstanding men who robbed Lululemon

I think most people can guess why Lululemon fired the two white employees who reported these fine upstanding men to the police
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This happened in FL under Trump and DeSantis

Around the same time this was happening in Trump's America

This happened back in 2010

I know someone that got fired in 1998 for chasing a shoplifter out into the lot in violation of company policy.

So let's just say this isn't all that new of an issue. Originally Posted by HDGristle

why do you think these incidents are increasing? it's not the policy at these stores, it's because they know they won't be prosecuted

Don't confuse them with facts, HD. Originally Posted by tommy156

what's amusing is that you seem to condone this.
HDGristle's Avatar
It's in large part because of the policy of the stores. They know they can rip off the store up to a certain dollar amount without fear that the cops will be called. Word spreads quickly regarding amounts, no chase / no contact rules, etc.

That's been going on for years without much attention being paid. Retail theft is a smidge under 30% of total shrink, on avg.
berryberry's Avatar

what's amusing is that you seem to condone this. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The leftists not only condone it, they encourage it.

Meanwhile, back in the real world Giant Foods, a large grocery chain, is updating security measures but may close stores if they can’t stop theft. The company President Ira Kress stated "The last thing I want to do is close stores, but I’ve got to be able to run them safely and profitably."

According to experts theft and violence has risen to the highest rates ever recorded. Stores in major cities appear to be the only ones having issues, including a Whole Foods in San Francisco that recently closed after they had over 500 emergency phone calls made at the single location.

Far Leftist politicians and a Soros funded justice system is currently driving this pandemic. Will the people finally wake up, or just keep moving to red states to vote for more corrupt politicians?
Video of the fine upstanding men who robbed Lululemon

I think most people can guess why Lululemon fired the two white employees who reported these fine upstanding men to the police Originally Posted by berryberry
... We Australians surely have a saying that addresses this:

... "SUE the Bastards!" ... ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Lululemon - redefining retail theft with if you see something, say nothing
what's amusing is that you seem to condone this. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Lol. What have I said here that, in even the tiniest way, makes you think I condone shoplifting? I simply made light of the fact that this has been going on for quite some time now (well over a decade), and certain folks in here only seem to care about it now that it helps their political agenda. I never laid judgment down one way or the other.

But, for the record, NO, I do not condone shoplifting (since you're in danger of pulling a hammy while you jump to such fascinating conclusions).
chizzy's Avatar
Lol. What have I said here that, in even the tiniest way, makes you think I condone shoplifting? I simply made light of the fact that this has been going on for quite some time now (well over a decade), and certain folks in here only seem to care about it now that it helps their political agenda. I never laid judgment down one way or the other.

But, for the record, NO, I do not condone shoplifting (since you're in danger of pulling a hammy while you jump to such fascinating conclusions). Originally Posted by tommy156
I agree it has gone on ever since we had stores lol but..... it has gotten way worse in the past 3 years to the point some many stores are closing their doors and moving out of the cities..... I think u could agree with that tommy
HDGristle's Avatar
I'd say a 5 year acceleration, Chizzy. Including lockdown.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Those employees should be armed. If I owned a store I’d buy the employees all a Glock and training lessons. Drop one of these losers and the shoplifting would stop instantly.
Those employees should be armed. If I owned a store I’d buy the employees all a Glock and training lessons. Drop one of these losers and the shoplifting would stop instantly. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Do the employees get a bonus from you if the dead shoplifter is also an "illegal alien," for implementing two of your hard core authoritarian policies in one fell swoop?

It's pretty hilarious to think of the policies of giant capitalist companies as "leftist." I guess it's par for the course for those who think that Joe Biden is a leftist.