what are the chances of another person joining the GOP nomination for President?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Ok with a little over 13 months left to election and perhaps 9 months until they start narrowing down who the choice to tun against Obama- do you think there's a chance that anyone else may join the GOP race???
Of course you have Sarah Palin and in some polls she's beating Paul, Cain, Huntsman, Santorum, and Newt and she's not even running. I hope she doesn't enter the race because I think right now she's in it for the attention plus she's missed too many debates- perhaps she's waiting for the field to become less crowded to improve her slim chances.
There have been talk of Paul Ryan or believe it or not Jeb Bush may enter the race.
Do you think there's anyone who can shake up the race or is the field is already set?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good question. The Republicans cannot lose this election, unless they nominate one of the announced candidates.

There are several candidates that can't get any airtime, like Gary Johnson. He'd be great.

This is a fun race to watch, it seems like the Democrats and the Republicans are hell bent on losing the Presidency. It's anyone's bet who will do the better job of screwing it up.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Way too late now. It's hard to imagine who could enter at this late date who would really 1) be a serious candidate; and 2) could quickly raise the money to be competitive in intervening four months before Iowa.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Way too late now. It's hard to imagine who could enter at this late date who would really 1) be a serious candidate; and 2) could quickly raise the money to be competitive in intervening four months before Iowa. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TTH so do you agree that Sarah Palin knows she will not enter the race and is just enjoying the spotlight with no serious intentions of running for POTUS????
TexTushHog's Avatar
Who knows. She's a top water and wouldn't make any difference if she ran.

She might get the money, but who is she going to take votes from? Not Romney, the nominee all the semi-sane Republicans who want to win are backing. Not Perry. His appeal is as a crazy who might, in a pinch, get elected. Bachmann? Just trading honest, sincere, fairly articulate, and marginally qualified crazy for insincere, inarticulate, flakey, and unqualified crazy. There is no constituency left for her.
  • Laz
  • 09-15-2011, 08:32 AM
Chris Christi is the only one I can think of that would have a chance at this point. I do not think he will run. The nominee will likely be either Perry or Romney.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
The field is already set. Palin would just be wasting her time and corporate whore fiat currency on a meaningless campaign. I only see Palin as a VP because I don't think Americans would take her seriously.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Chris Christi is the only one I can think of that would have a chance at this point. I do not think he will run. The nominee will likely be either Perry or Romney. Originally Posted by Laz
The status quo wants Perry. They both represent Wall St., and the corporations. Bought and paid for all the way. Ron Paul needs to get the nomination. His supporters and following are much deeper rooted than any of those plastic ken dolls could ever muster.
LexusLover's Avatar
Ron Paul needs to get the nomination. His supporters and following are much deeper rooted than any of those plastic ken dolls could ever muster. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
All 10 registered voters?
The only three people who have enough name recognition to mount a viable campaign at this late date would be Gov. Christie, former Gov. Quitter, errrrrrrrr I meant to say Palin and former Gov. Jeb Bush!
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Please Lexuslover, I see your all over Obama's jock. How about the lie that he told the American people that, "If you elect me as President I'll end the wars and you can take that to the bank!" Sheep just love it when someone will tell them what they want to hear, vs. what they need to hear.

Bigtex I think the American people don't ever, ever want to see another Bush in office again. Dubya screwed it up for his family and tarnished the family name for generations to come. When people hear the word "Bush," the words screw-up and failure probably come to mind, that goes for the majority of the clowns in office to include the incumbent. I would rather see Palin become a high-end escort.
Bigtex I think the American people don't ever, ever want to see another Bush in office again. Dubya screwed it up for his family and tarnished the family name for generations to come. When people hear the word "Bush," the words screw-up and failure probably come to mind, that goes for the majority of the clowns in office to include the incumbent. I would rather see Palin become a high-end escort. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
I did not say that America would support another Bush. I said he is one of the few with enough name recognition to make a viable run at this late date. Do I believe he could win the nomination? No I don't!

As for Governor Quitter, she might have a future in the high-end escort biz! Iff so, more power to her! I would not doubt that she is a freak between the sheets! If I knew Glen Rice, I would ask him!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Please Lexuslover, I see your all over Obama ..... Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
I named him Obaminable during the primaries for a good reason, and he continues to re-affirm that label.

I really hoped he would get up to speed with the task, surround himself with talented people with integrity to whom he listened, manage the administration accordingly, move to the center, and brush off Nancy and Harry to assure some bi-partisanship in Congress that would begin the serious work of repairing our economic condition with some tough choices.

In short, I wanted him to succeed for the country and not for him. I continued to have hope for that when he didn't throw in the towel, herd everyone home from overseas with a white-flag flying, and started getting tough on pirates the East Coast of Africa ... giving the green light to shoot to kill.

Allowing Nancy and Harry to cram down a "health care" package on the pretext of creating jobs and improving the economy was disgusting to say the least, and the continued administration of the thing smells to high heaven, as "exemptions" are granted to his "favorite charities."

Lately he's been acting like a short-timer, passing out favors like lollipops, but without the gutsy calls that have characterized those who were about to leave and were making the tough decisions for the good of the country. He's the step-child of Chicago politics, and should retire there as soon as possible.

I am sure he is pleasant company, but I'd rather screw Palin.
I named him Obaminable during the primaries for a good reason, and he continues to re-affirm that label.

I really hoped he would get up to speed with the task, surround himself with talented people with integrity to whom he listened, manage the administration accordingly, move to the center. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You mean like your boyz GW and Cheney did? They surrounded themselves with Wolfie, Rummy, Karl Rove, Tom DeLay, Scooter Libby and who could ever forget Heck of a job, Brownie!

Yeppers, GW sure surrounded himself with talented people who had integrity that moved the nation to the center!

As I said in another thread, you sure do talk a good game!
LexusLover's Avatar
As I said in another thread, .... Originally Posted by bigtex
I figured you were voting for improvement, when you voted for Obaminable.

If you wanted McCain in 2000 why didn't you vote for him in 2008?