Yeah, we get it.

Yeah, trump is going to be the repub nominee. Good for him. No one is arguing with you. You can be the first person on your block to vote for a convicted felon for president.

Pretend Joe Biden won't still be in office come election time.
Pretend people fear facing trump in the election.

Dems welcome him in the mix. He couldn't win even with the federal resources trying to cheat for him before. We'll know what to watch for this time. And we know he'll do anything to try and win.

I guess you didn't notice how many people he inspired to vote against him (actually you didn't notice, you claim Biden couldn't have gotten all those votes. It's going to be fun showing you again).

Some of you people (ones that equate ratings from trump world as having meaning in the real world) crow about the fact he is the best candidate in the GOP.

Whatever y'all say.

And good for us too.
He alienates everyone other than his base. If his inner circle doesn't kiss his ass, he throws them under the bus. Now he acts like Graham is the bad guy. The crowd booed him 15 miles from his home

His behavior is more erratic than ever.
He has his own social platform so there is nothing to keep him from running his mouth and blowing himself up.
It looks like he has already shot himself in the foot...a couple of times.

Many experts say his fox interview was him confessing to the Espionage violation (remember, that doesn't mean he was spying because no one claims he was). His attorneys are quitting and he can't find new ones (even though he is stealing money from his campaign donations to pay them).
Tapes, documents, a sexual assault civil suit loss. Over 60 felony indictments pending with more likely on the way.
But it's all political, right?

The shining light in the GOP constellation.
... And with ALL THAT - Trump's not-onley WAAAAY ahead
for the Republican nod - but AHEAD of Joe Biden in most
of the polls! ... Trump 2024!

... Hmmmm... "the Shining Light" there...
And yet - you seem frightened that Trump might Win!

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... And with ALL THAT - Trump's not-onley WAAAAY ahead
for the Republican nod - but AHEAD of Joe Biden in most
of the polls! ... Trump 2024!

... Hmmmm... "the Shining Light" there...
And yet - you seem frightened that Trump might Win!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
And it's delicious.