Hotels in Omaha/Bellevue

Hello, I used to do the hobby alot back in the day and moved away but I will be visiting Omaha in August and decided to treat myself while I am in town. Are there any recommended hotels to use? I want one where I can pay in cash that is safe and not super expensive. I am looking specifically in the Omaha/Bellevue area. I used to use the motel 6 in Omaha off 84th street but I heard it was kind of suspect now. I just need something that is safe and affordable that excepts cash. Any suggestions are welcome.
DallasRain's Avatar
pm me i have list

Super 8 120th and Dodge accepts cash
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Let's not paint targets on specific places.
A PM to the OP would have been better
Cash only not available on most hotels anymore. But always send a PM with actual locations or hotels to someone.