Hotel vs vacation rentals?

queenV's Avatar
Hello loves,
I am so excited to be able to tour again!

So, I would love everyone's opinion.

Do you prefer hotel or a vacation rental house when a lady is traveling?

I personally have come to enjoy renting a apartment. No front desk,I can still decorate lol, full kitchen
I think makes our experience more personal.

I çant wait to be back in Omaha!
Either is fine, but rooms with kitchenette and sofas nicer, seems more lik an apartment. Whatever works best for you.
DaDuchess's Avatar
Personally, I'm very leary of AirBNB because they have cameras and have been known to not be friendly to SWers. If it works for you though then more power to you! I know they can be a lot easier on our travel budgets, just be careful and I hope you enjoy Omaha <3
queenV's Avatar
Very true, o know I've stayed in some in KC. I think I'll stick with a hotel! I have one I usually stay on!
Thank you love
Im on a HOA board and we are getting weekly calls about VRBO house in the neighborhood. I wouldnt put it past them to call LEO about it. Im sure they are taking pics of license plates. Not everyone is a nosy nancy, but I know neighbors of VRBOs nationwide are making noise about wanting them NIMBY.

I personally wouldnt visit a provider in a short term rental.

thats just me though, maybe others prefer them.

queenV's Avatar
I really really appreciate your input. That is something I didn't even think of. I am sticking to my hotels. in like a soccer mom with treats in my hand for the front desk. I can't wait to be in Omaha
And the bottom line is really how much traffic is in and out in a short period of time. The more traffic, the more likely to bring unwanted attention. Hotels usually traffic in and out so not as noticeable