Line out the door

Stopped by Michiko, saw two guys enter and then immediately come back out to there cars. There were a total of four of us waiting outside to go in. While waiting, I saw a Korean lady, tight shirt and short shorts walk in with a little chihuahua looking dog, which I found hilarious! Ended up leaving because the wait was too long.
Bali too was jampacked yesterday when I went after happy hour, thought I'd spend some time while waiting for traffic to cool off. No luck!
when I saw Jessie a couple weeks we were looking on the monitor and 3 dude approached the door and only 1 got in. she said it was I made an appointment

this spot is popping lol
Chung Tran's Avatar
when I saw Jessie a couple weeks we were looking on the monitor and 3 dude approached the door and only 1 got in. she said it was I made an appointment

this spot is popping lol Originally Posted by nfhs04

Popping for a good reason. When I went Thursday, 2 Dudes drove in about the same time I did. I let one go in, the other was waiting on me (?), so I went ahead. Good thing I did, he might have got Crystal instead of me
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Plenty of other places gents. Well not plenty like the good ol days but you get the idea. Spread the love. Girls get overworked and service declines. These board review send business to the noise and so Michiko is the current fab. Personally the 280 price point I don’t care for trying driving up market and hope others don’t follow. You guys lining up and reporting about it sure isn’t helping.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Stopped by Michiko, saw two guys enter and then immediately come back out to there cars. There were a total of four of us waiting outside to go in. While waiting, I saw a Korean lady, tight shirt and short shorts walk in with a little chihuahua looking dog, which I found hilarious! Ended up leaving because the wait was too long. Originally Posted by CT7567
With that many patrons, how did you even find parking? LOL
Why lineup & wait in the parking lot in the first place?
If you know your schedule a few hours in advance, call, find the availability, make an waiting. (Ya, I know...Capt Obvious here).
If you're spontaneous, park in Korean restaurant lots out on Emerald, call, say you are 5 minutes away, who can I see?. You might be told come right now, or come in 20 minutes, or 1-hr. Again, make an waiting in back lot.
Or, get a food truck to park back there, have a sausage-fest, and kinda tailgate while waiting.
The "line" is for a good ladies with Studio-style service; starting with Pinkie, ending with Crystal.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
With that many patrons, how did you even find parking? LOL
Why lineup & wait in the parking lot in the first place?
If you know your schedule a few hours in advance, call, find the availability, make an waiting. (Ya, I know...Capt Obvious here).
If you're spontaneous, park in Korean restaurant lots out on Emerald, call, say you are 5 minutes away, who can I see?. You might be told come right now, or come in 20 minutes, or 1-hr. Again, make an waiting in back lot.
Or, get a food truck to park back there, have a sausage-fest, and kinda tailgate while waiting.
The "line" is for a good ladies with Studio-style service; starting with Pinkie, ending with Crystal. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
Also might bring unwanted attention from the nosey Karens, disgruntled wives, reporters and others reporting suspicious activity. It has happened before and the hammer came down.

This is good advice about making an appointment or calling to check availability instead of guys crowding in the parking lot and walking in back to back, only to turn around and leave. Orderly fashion should be the way to go.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Also might bring unwanted attention from the nosey Karens, disgruntled wives, reporters and others reporting suspicious activity. It has happened before and the hammer came down.

This is good advice about making an appointment or calling to check availability instead of guys crowding in the parking lot and walking in back to back, only to turn around and leave. Orderly fashion should be the way to go. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
It was like Grand Central Station my last time there. And I had an appointment too. Still didn’t matter. It was still chaos.

Fat dudes in towels waiting in their whore’s doorway to go to the table shower. Constant noise outside the room from foot traffic, doorbell ringing, video screen showing a line of dudes at the door, Emo folding towels near the room, Emo calling for the girls, etc.

Just way too many distractions and discomforts for my taste and my money. Tiny uncomfortable and noisy rooms. Only one table shower in the whole place.

I won’t go there again. Twice is enough.

At the rate this place wants for an hour it’s better dropping another 20 for a quiet and comfortable studio setting. Studios are a better value and make more economic sense than this place. They’re more private… More intimate.

Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Thank goodness for the back door to this place or the place would already have a large red flag flying bigger it than the one at the Texas state fair. You guys are going to fuck it up at this rate. The AMP are just starting making comeback in this very unforgiving felony state we live in now. Be fucking smart. The businesses around there are going to complain based on what you guys are describing.
A place this busy inside a little strip mall is asking for trouble. At least it’s in china town there which helps a little with LE eye glaze over I think but still it’s only matter of time at this rate.
The talent needs to be sent somewhere else in my opinion ideally with better set up. Don’t the same owners own a lot of three things anyway. Always appreciated the setup of Pearls and think that is really an ideal location setup in good spot, nice facilities that if I’m LE it’s out of view and in proper area where I can look the other way. What’s more perfect than a MP next to a strip club.
Michiko set up without the back door entrance would easily be the worst setup I’ve seen. The rooms and shower room are tiny. This is classic case of outgrowing your business model and actually it’s really trying to fit a round peg in a square hole from the very beginning. There’s no place better they could find with at least one room that’s big enough for a table shower? Most sub amps have better setup than this. Except for back door entrance as I said they get A plus for that but everything else, talent not withstanding, D. And they charging more than any other amp has charged in the history of DFW MP land. Come on really. I get it, you guys are going to say the talent. Just not sure how talent ended up here I guess.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Always appreciated the setup of Pearls and think that is really an ideal location setup in good spot, nice facilities that if I’m LE it’s out of view

Michiko set up without the back door entrance would easily be the worst setup I’ve seen. Most sub amps have better setup than this. Except for back door entrance as I said they get A plus for that but everything else, talent not withstanding, D. And they charging more than any other amp has charged in the history of DFW MP land. Come on really. I get it, you guys are going to say the talent. Just not sure how talent ended up here I guess. Originally Posted by Dirkdiggler41
Charging more than in the history of DFW MP land? That's just not accurate. Unless you include every current AMP in Dallas. Michiko gives all services at that rate, Bali, Spa 21 and others tack on $100 extra for top service. Michiko is the best value in Dallas.

Pearls is not off LE radar. They just aren't. Don't be fooled by their seeming out of the way location. There is a Swingers joint and Urban strip club right there, shootings are not unusual. There is another Urban nightclub right behind Pearls. The Cops are in that area often. Last time I was at Pearls I pulled into that international bank parking lot, to send a quick text. Security was all over me, asking what the fuck I was doing there.
Chung Tran's Avatar

At the rate this place wants for an hour it’s better dropping another 20 for a quiet and comfortable studio setting. Studios are a better value and make more economic sense than this place. They’re more private… More intimate.
Originally Posted by BigBamboo
They each have appealing attributes. But I disagree about ''making more economic sense''. I guess it's about what your personal values are, and what drives you to visit. $20 extra for ''quiet and comfortable'' is not value for me, when the service level is LESS. As you well know, it is typically not $20 more at a Studio, it is $120 more when you factor in upsell. I know you reported paying an upcharge with Jessie, but your review is the only reported upcharge at Michiko. Not a single example of any other review reporting that.

Michiko stays winning because of extremely great service at a fair price point.

AMPs will always have an intrinsic advantage over Studios, for the simple fact that many guys will not, never will surrender personal information. In fact, many guys here never write a review, because they want any information related to their activities guarded. Studios only popped up at all, because already-established Mongers needed a new outlet after existing AMPs folded. But 3 years hence, the Studio set up has become far less relevant.
BigBamboo's Avatar
They each have appealing attributes. But I disagree about ''making more economic sense''. I guess it's about what your personal values are, and what drives you to visit. $20 extra for ''quiet and comfortable'' is not value for me, when the service level is LESS. As you well know, it is typically not $20 more at a Studio, it is $120 more when you factor in upsell. I know you reported paying an upcharge with Jessie, but your review is the only reported upcharge at Michiko. Not a single example of any other review reporting that.

Michiko stays winning because of extremely great service at a fair price point.

AMPs will always have an intrinsic advantage over Studios, for the simple fact that many guys will not, never will surrender personal information. In fact, many guys here never write a review, because they want any information related to their activities guarded. Studios only popped up at all, because already-established Mongers needed a new outlet after existing AMPs folded. But 3 years hence, the Studio set up has become far less relevant. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung you need to stop seeing the up charge places and visit GreenLight and Lovely Angels more. Those two studios are only 20 bucks more for no line, private shower and room, only two ladies and customers at a time per hour or half hour unless multi hour or doubles with willing ladies, no video monitor in the rooms, functioning AC, better mood lighting, bigger more comfortable bed, better parking, no video of you coming and going, less foot traffic and noise, much more privacy in general, BBFS CIP, sexy Asians, etc. That’s value - whether personal or monetary. Call it what you want.

Do you remember the Util (utility) concept in economics. Which one of the two - AMPs or Studios - provides you more utils? I know which one I’m opting towards. That’s what I’m referring to when I say studios make more economic sense.

Studios have been around a lot longer than three years. Try at least twenty years or more.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Chung you need to stop seeing the up charge places and visit GreenLight and Lovely Angels more. Those two studios are only 20 bucks more for no line, private shower and room, only two ladies and customers at a time per hour or half hour unless multi hour or doubles with willing ladies, no video monitor in the rooms, functioning AC, better mood lighting, bigger more comfortable bed, better parking, no video of you coming and going, less foot traffic and noise, much more privacy in general, BBFS CIP, sexy Asians, etc. That’s value - whether personal or monetary. Call it what you want.
Originally Posted by BigBamboo
Well if you're going to put it that way...
Chung Tran's Avatar

Do you remember the Util (utility) concept in economics. Which one of the two - AMPs or Studios - provides you more utils? I know which one I’m opting towards. That’s what I’m referring to when I say studios make more economic sense.

Studios have been around a lot longer than three years. Try at least twenty years or more. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
I do remember. My answer is The best AMPs provide more utility. But I'm a meat and potatoes, suck me fuck me guy. The ambience and little things have a modicum of utility, but without the female service at highest levels, that stuff matters little.

I know Studios have been around 20 years.. But not in Dallas. Pull up 2017, 2018 threads, you won't find a single Studio spoken about.