In need of your opinion......

After a slight debate with a non-provider friend of mine, I thought I'd get some more insight on our discussion.

After trolling through websites of the more high-end ladies of the business "courtesans", we noticed that they tend to charge higher prices, of course, but we also noticed that the majority of them do not show there faces in the photos. Why do you think this is?

My point was that I believe it's done to protect their identities in the civilian world, i.e. jobs, children, spouses, etc.
Her argument was, "Maybe that's why they makes so much, guys like curiosity." I can see where my friend is coming from, but I'm sure that's not the reasoning behind the ladies actions, or her earnings.

So, I ask you this.
Guys, how do you feel about blurred faces? Does it entice your curiosity?
Ladies, why is it that you choose to blur your face in photos?

Thanks for the input in advance

You can feel sand-bagged by those blurred faces. Especially if you think she'll have the face of an angel and she shows up looking like a hag in the face. Rest of the body is fine, but the face is a train wreck.

OTOH, I understand a lady's need to protect her identity and don't have any problems with that. I tend to go ahead with the date, even though disappointed, but resolve not to book again unless I am overcome by her personality.

My advice to those who hide their faces: make your personality come through by posting on these boards. Any problem with your looks will be "overlooked."
Naomi4u's Avatar

So, I ask you this.
Guys, how do you feel about blurred faces? Does it entice your curiosity?
Ladies, why is it that you choose to blur your face in photos?

Thanks for the input in advance

[/CENTER] Originally Posted by SashaFoxx
When I first started out as a provider I showed my face, yes I made more money because of it.

However, a few months later I was almost outed at a gathering.

If I wouldn't have had my face plastered on escort board, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have happened.

Showing your face will get you more money - in some cases. If you have a really pretty face - yes but if not - well....... good luck with that.

I don't blur my face now because I find it very unappealing. I crop it just above my lips so NEWBIES won't know who I am. However, clients that I have seen know me when they see my pics because I have very strong features - nothing wrong with that.

There are other reasons why ladies choose not to show their face. In certain states, a lot of hotels cooperate with LE to bust working girls. So say if you don't blur/crop your face and you walk into one of these hotels and *gasps* just the night before your backpage ad was printed out for the hotel staff to alert the police if you were to walk in. What would you do? You can't do anything because at this point there's no turning back. If LE wants you they'll get you.

I'm not saying that it's bad to show your face. I'm just shooting out possibilities. A LOT of women have gotten busted this way. I don't know about you but If such were to happen to me, I wouldn't want it to be because I had my face plastered all over escort ad sites would you?

One last thing: A lot of escort malls steal your photos. Some don't even care if you have a notice up - others do but most of the time, they don't. Remember that once these photos are out there - they're out there. 3 years or 2 years from now when you decided to leave the business - do you really want pictures of your face out there like that? Think about it.

On a side note: I am always willing to send a guy a picture of my face before the date. I have nothing to hide as I've been told by many that I have a "beautiful" face. If the guy is screened, I see nothing wrong with it. Good luck.

There are other reasons why ladies choose not to show their face. In certain states, a lot of hotels cooperate with LE to bust working girls. So say if you don't blur/crop your face and you walk into one of these hotels and *gasps* just the night before your backpage ad was printed out for the hotel staff to alert the police if you were to walk in. What would you do? You can't do anything because at this point there's no turning back. If LE wants you they'll get you.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I've heard of this happening to a few friends of mine. Although I'm sure I can't beat the system, when I check into my hotel I wrap my hair up with a scarf, where it kind of looks like I have none, and wear my darkest sunglasses.

OAN: I understand exactly where you are coming from. I've had many thoughts of doing this in my next photo shoot, as I take the plunge into the world of at least a higher end, as well as in the pursuit of a more civilian lifestyle. I just don't want to kill my business, before I get it where I want it to be.
thisguy23's Avatar
I no longer see girls that dont have a face shot, it took me a few times to learn that was not for me. I hadnt thought of asking a girl to send a face pic may have to rethink my decision. Something about a face blured in a photo I just dont like, I would rather see a mask of some type or just no head shot.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I no longer see girls that dont show there face, it took me a few times to learn that was not for me. I hadnt thought of asking a girl to send a face pic may have to rethink my decision. Originally Posted by thisguy23
Yup! ask her before you send screening info if she would be willing to send a pic of her face, if she says no then you can then decide if you'd still like to see her or not. I'm always willing to sent a picture of mine after screening - I'm just trying to make sure the guy is legit and he's not one of my uncles LOL. Imho, If after screening the guy sees the pic and says "ehh i'll pass" hey that's better than setting a date and him opening the door to disappointment.

That's never happened to me btw

I've heard of this happening to a few friends of mine. Although I'm sure I can't beat the system, when I check into my hotel I wrap my hair up with a scarf, where it kind of looks like I have none, and wear my darkest sunglasses.

OAN: I understand exactly where you are coming from. I've had many thoughts of doing this in my next photo shoot, as I take the plunge into the world of at least a higher end, as well as in the pursuit of a more civilian lifestyle. I just don't want to kill my business, before I get it where I want it to be.
Originally Posted by SashaFoxx

It's a suggestion. Run your business the way you see fit. I know I could never show my face for THAT to happen to me. I'm more worried about LE than stalkers . As you said, it has happened to a few of your friends so you know I didn't make it up. Hey in this hobby we all take risks - you just gotta pick and choose the ones you're willing to take.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
My reasons for not showing my face are safety in the hobby world & the real world
Ive sent them if requested if I feel comfortable doing so after screening, I think Ive been only asked to twice so its never been an issue for me and it certainly hasn't affected my biz Its just what works for me
Do what works for you and what your comfortable with Sasha & Good luck sexy

@ Naomi, you do have a beautiful face
jframe2's Avatar
My reasons for not showing my face are safety in the hobby world & the real world
Ive sent them if requested if I feel comfortable doing so after screening, I think Ive been only asked to twice so its never been an issue for me and it certainly hasn't affected my biz Its just what works for me
Do what works for you and what your comfortable with Sasha & Good luck sexy

@ Naomi, you do have a beautiful face Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I think a good reviewer will touch bases on the face thing as well. A few adjectives will usually keep us guys interested; nice blue/green/gray eyes, very striking facial features, beautiful face, reminds me of so and so in the face, etc.

And a picture after screening is also helpful.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I think a good reviewer will touch bases on the face thing as well. A few adjectives will usually keep us guys interested; nice blue/green/gray eyes, very striking facial features, beautiful face, reminds me of so and so in the face, etc.

And a picture after screening is also helpful. Originally Posted by jframe2
+1 exactly Jframe, most all reviews will refer to their attractiveness and If they aren't they are quick to say so lol
Eccie Addict's Avatar

You'll find a lot of opinions in the above thread......

You'll find a lot of opinions in the above thread...... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

My reasons for not showing my face are safety in the hobby world & the real world
Ive sent them if requested if I feel comfortable doing so after screening, I think Ive been only asked to twice so its never been an issue for me and it certainly hasn't affected my biz Its just what works for me
Do what works for you and what your comfortable with Sasha & Good luck sexy

@ Naomi, you do have a beautiful face Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
EXACTLY! My blurred face pics have never caused an issue for me nor has affected my biz. I too send at request AFTER screening. I have not one review that says I sport a horse face or anything horrible so I think the guys know it cant be THAT bad. Plus what I have noticed more so lately is that the guys I book actually have a personality connection, letting us know that we would mesh well bcd.. THAT and my reviews are what book me.. the pic I send after screening is the icing on the cake.
anaximander's Avatar
Well this is amusing on its numerous facets.
I need to see your face, period.
But what face? ahh there the fun begins.
Right there with age.
My favorite example is lch melony;
her listing pix are nice but has she noticed the
date stamp of june 2007? She is claiming 24:
now or then- heck how old was she in the pix?

but if the beauty in the cutie is solid...
curiosity has its price

A body is a body.
No head? Seems unseemly.
lets face it if you do your job BCD theres really no reason for a man to complain about the way a gal looked in the face.
we are not here looking for miss america and truth being said out of all the ladies ive seen there was none i could complain about when it came to looks and there has been none i had to hang a pork chop around their neck to get the dog to play with
but think back to the old days when you went out on a blind date was part of the adventure and its the same here but personality does go a long way to making the adventure better.
Dont sweat the face being blurred too much..cause its not like us guys are all handsome hunks.
and just for the sake of saying it...Sweet n little and Lusciouslacy whats there not to like you 2 gals have great personalities on the board and bodies to die you got a wart or 2 who cares...lmao
Eccie Addict's Avatar

Originally Posted by SashaFoxx
Oh no need for a facepalm girl..... I was just adding additional info for you to look at that's all

lets face it if you do your job BCD theres really no reason for a man to complain about the way a gal looked in the face.
we are not here looking for miss america and truth being said out of all the ladies ive seen there was none i could complain about when it came to looks and there has been none i had to hang a pork chop around their neck to get the dog to play with
but think back to the old days when you went out on a blind date was part of the adventure and its the same here but personality does go a long way to making the adventure better.
Dont sweat the face being blurred too much..cause its not like us guys are all handsome hunks.
and just for the sake of saying it...Sweet n little and Lusciouslacy whats there not to like you 2 gals have great personalities on the board and bodies to die you got a wart or 2 who cares...lmao Originally Posted by wildwooly1
That is simply not true for everyone. We are all here for different reason and we all have different preferences.

Some pay for looks, some pay for the service, and some just look for a good balance of the 2. I tend to fall in the balance category.


However as of late I need interaction before I meet someone. That can be in many different forms whether it be talking on here, chat, email, phone, or socially. I find that this has contributed the most to making my time with the ladies I've chosen to spend time with a great time.