Encounter: Again with the QQ

User ID: -
Date: 8/12/23 & 8/13/2023
Name: Tiffany and Winnie
Phone: 2108877586
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: West Ave
Activities: FBSM, BBBJ, MPCFS
Hair Length and Color: Both black hair, both past shoulders, but typically tied up.
Age: 20s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Tiffany's taller and petite. Probably 5'6". Pretty sure her boobs are MM, but they're soft and well done. Too perfectly round and perky to be natural, no scarring, C's. Really pretty though, great smile. Fit with a flat stomach. Around 100lbs or so.

Winnie is shorter at maybe 5'2". Also with C's, but hers I could say is natural. Got more of a perky curve to it. Has gained a little in the stomach, but made up for it with a bigger ass. I'm bad at guessing weights, but maybe 120-130lbs? Still overall small though and still pretty.

Nice smooth skin on both again as usual.
Recommendation: Yes
  • Tdam
  • 08-13-2023, 03:26 PM
This place only gets better and better with each review
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Thufferin thuckatash!
Thufferin thuckatash! Originally Posted by TXloverofspas

lol damn you bumped up a lot of threads just now.