Why not have an encounters section

kacirocks's Avatar
I don’t even have a clue as to what even happened to this site. I just know I logged in one day with no where to post and then was like man there goes all my fun and excitement in my life…due to me enjoyin meetin all my friends I’ve met through the site over the last 10plus years… we never had issues that I could remember as to the site goin down…and since oh2 came out it’s been goin down a lot so I’m just tryin to figure out why we even lost this site and when can we bring it back and why does oh2 keep goin down for long periods of time…someone please help me
SexySammy's Avatar
Because the feds busted it when they got backpage and rather than lose the site entirely, they adapted which is smart. You can still be inconspicuous about it. There are ways to get around it without putting the site at risk because the reviews and private areas can still be somewhat useful here.