The appeal of anal

I have always been curious as to what the appeal of anal sex is. I, for one, find it distasteful but I would like some input from both guys and gals as to what it is about the act that attracts them to it. From my perspective it just doesn't really seem like it would feel good. Plus, the idea of going up someone's backside leaves me with unpleasant thoughts. What do you all have to say?
why don't you try it yourself and decide. Its not really my thing but i dont hate it. Just depends on my mood.
Nina Sparxx's Avatar
the sense of it being taboo is exciting and it is a different sensation
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Haven't you ever tried to run up the "down" escalator?
governmentguru's Avatar
Latent homosexuals...
I have only tried once,definitely not worth any extra fee. But if girlfriend were to say" It's my thing,I really like it". Then I would oblige the request.
If the lady is really, honestly into it, it is great. Another facet of great sex.
If she is not into it, it is not worth a shit! Pun intended...

budman33's Avatar
Any port in a storm
It's all about having more options which enables both partners to explore even more possibilities in terms of position, sensation and fun toy play. If she gets to do it to him as well then the possibilities of exploring and discovery are even greater.

Tighter, warmer, less worn out and taboo which are all pluses.

The key is to prepare properly in advance keeping it clean and enjoyable for both. Nobody likes the sight or smell of poop. Talk about a buzz kill.
austinkboy's Avatar
I don't seek it, but when it is offered, i am very flattered. It is usually after i have known the lady for quite some time, and from someone that you know is ymmv, I take it as one of the ultimate expression of trust. Of course, my partner would have to enjoy it, which is what makes it exciting and pleasurable for me.
I love anal/greek!!! dont get to many chances due to REB Jr. size but when I do its great fun!!

a bnunghole is super tight and feels great!!
All valid points, its not worth it if its extra. BUT if she into it then i'm going in. Being super tight does give a different sensation, some providers even take it as a challenge to see if they can take me in their ass.

Preparation beforehand is key.. It's happened where I pull out and the rubber has brown on it :\
cheater's Avatar
I for one love it. But she has to be into it do to my size. Its fun when you are with the right girl. If she is not into it dont push it . Move on. Be safe and have fun.
texasfeet's Avatar
tried it for all of about five seconds; wife at the time didn't care for it and it's never been a hot button for me. however, it would be kinda cool to do that with a provider i was very comfortable with since that's about the only unexplored frontier i still have.

Tighter, warmer, less worn out and taboo which are all pluses.

The key is to prepare properly in advance keeping it clean and enjoyable for both. Nobody likes the sight or smell of poop. Talk about a buzz kill. Originally Posted by Codybeast
Probably why I thought it was no big deal,it wasn't tighter. Plus it was an upsell.
At least she did the enema and shower thing,or it definitely would have been a gross, long drive home.