Thanks for the intel. Why was it a let down?
And yeah, the mongers that go over on time really suck. It seems to happen periodically at all the spas. Extremely selfish and inconsiderate. Especially if your time ends up getting cut short as a result! If going over on time is a recurring issue with some mongers, I feel like the booker should mention something to them. Probably unrealistic to expect that though.
Originally Posted by AspenCalifornia
It was a let down because of a few reasons, the biggest is and was the delay. I was told be there at X time, I get there 4-5 minutes early and then told wait 4-5 ontop of the planned time.. nothing after 10 minutes (now 10 minutes past our planned start time), so I text asking for update and ignored. I nearly cancelled an went to another studio (was in the process of setting up with another studio) when it got to 20 after and got a reply back, saying ready.. I go to door then had to wait a few again.. was told I’d get hour, but only got 50 (not a huge deal but like come the F on after the waiting game of nearly 30 minutes and it shouldn’t be my time slot that is used to absorbed the delay, but no idea if Booker told Maya or Maya did it herself.)
The performance while good and enjoyable, you could tell Maya was not into it. She wanted to talk and massage etc more than what you would expect. This was my 3rd time with Maya, and she said she remembered and was happy to see me (I think they all say this returning customers) then gave a bare minimum effort to me. I may or may not do a review about it since it was such a lackluster performance but it was just a shitshow appt from the beginning and I should have dipped.
I will also say this, I have had times that I was delayed, or in traffic with this studio in the past (going all out the way out to the gallery). If the guy is late, we lose time, if the studio/girl are late we lose time as well.