She was leaving fellas. And it’s customer appreciation Wed. Place packed and all the good spots taken. Extras are hard to have on this particular day. I use it for recon and buffet. We clicked without me spending a dollar.
Thanks for the nothing reply though. Anybody else actually got any useful intel on her?
Originally Posted by Dirkdiggler41
You left those details out, but even still,did you try to get her number? If not,she at least told you when she worked. You can go back & give her a go & then you'll have your answer.
Chelsey is good at flirting so yall probably didn't click like you thought but here's a pro tip: if a girl isn't walking out of the door & is talking to you,she's got time to give you a dance. And, even if you decide to go to bdd on the worst possible day at the worst possible time (Customer Appreciation Day), you can find a chair to get a dance. You can learn a lot from a dance even if it's not in the best location & it's crowded..