you're involved in illegal business so it's not 100% safe. But I have a little direct professional experience with criminal justice and I would be very surprised if they ever start looking through old records to bust people. If they can't catch you in the room with your dick and money out then you're unlikely to get in trouble.
Remember, there's nothing illegal about having sex with a consenting adult, and nothing illegal about giving someone a cash gift. As long as you aren't explicitly exchanging cash for sex they don't have anything on you. Just don't discuss specific acts and the price thereof. If someone starts doing that, best to back off. If it's the cops, they are going to do that.
Originally Posted by beeman1000
Very well said. Whenever I hear mongers complaining that bookers aren't upfront about services that girls offer (or that the booker won't answer questions about services that a particular girl offers), I think it's a total face palm moment. I don't even like when bookers send prices in their texts.
In my opinion, it's reckless to discuss price AND services with bookers. Someone might ask "well then how are we supposed to know if she is BBFS?" I don't know - read reviews, ask other mongers, or just bring a little extra money to your appointment and ask the girl. It definitely beats the alternative (i.e. risking discussing price and services via text message with bookers).