
User ID: -
Date: 9/20
Name: -
Phone: 660-275-8658
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://adultsearch.com/us/missouri/...scorts/2652646
City: op
State: - KS
Address: - around 435/ metcalf
Activities- mutal massage (me first, her afterwards) cbj, CG. mish, more cbj, hj
Hair Length and Color: - long, straight and black
Age: - 30's
Smoking Status: - couldnt tell
Ethnic Background: - Chinese?
Physical Description: - Cute girl. Average height with Petite frame. small ass and nice b cups. amd a couple tatoos. Spoke no english but seemed eager to please. Good times!

Recommendation: - yes
her name was JoJo... didn't mean to leave it out
JoJo is fun
Phone number in the linked ad is different than the one in your review, which one is good?
the number in the ad is the right one. I was tired when I wrote this. didnt mean to leave the tittle out also...