WTF is up with the redirects to hot?

Does the board earn enough money from referral clicks to to justify being incredibly annoying to the patrons of it?
eyecu2's Avatar
Ooh I know....I know...because "it's annoying as fuck."
bambino's Avatar
It’s been a problem on Eccie forever.
The referal click rate is at best 1/10th of one cent per click. Pennies add up but there’s a balance between pissing off the people that patronize your site and the $34 you are on track to earn sometime in 2035.
I don't get the redirects. What are you clicking on that redirects you? I may have a solution, but would like to verify before I post it.

That being said, I've never been able to get past the warning on STG. So my "solution" may cause other issues.
  • Typo
  • 10-08-2023, 11:14 PM
I only get redirects or pop-ups when I'm not signed in.
Chickie's Avatar
I get it first once then none afterwards.
Hematoma's Avatar
Agreed...the pop-up is very annoying. I tend to hit it by accident when I'm quickly checking eccie on my phone.
mulletman66's Avatar
adblock is your friend here.
I went a few months without seeing the ad but now it's out there more than ever. So annoying.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
adblock is your friend here. Originally Posted by mulletman66
+ pihole

What's an ad? Haven't seen one for years. Not here, nor anywhere. And if one slips through, takes less than a second for me to add it to the block list.
Problem is, you can turn it off, but then it turns off all redirects such as links in posts, they won't work anymore. So it's a super annoying thing to me knowing I can turn it off but then I will have to copy every link, open another window and paste it and hit go, so click link auto back button is easier
laserface's Avatar
Right-clicking on the link and "Open in new window" (or new tab) does work.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I've literally only been back on this board for a few hours and I've been redirected at least 12 times 🙄