Inconsistent reviews?


As a noobie to mongering/studio, I've done extensive research on some of these girls. There are many really good reviews for many girls. Some reviews have really good descriptions and the services provided seem to be amazing, almost porn like.

I'm not calling the sessions terrible, they are still good. They aren't just as mind blowing as some of the reviews make it out to be. Some of these reviews are very very descriptive and reading them draws me into booking the girl. I get there and the session is like a Tinder hookup, not like a porn scene like the reviews imply.

However, when I actually try out some of these girls, the experience is different. Not in a bad way of course, just not like the reviews. Some, not all, reviews seem a bit exaggerate?

Maybe I'm just ugly as fuck.
Honestly all sessions will be YMMV (ur mileage may vary) meaning it will be different.

With that being said, some people have instant connections with other people, others the vibe is off.. just because me and A hit it off, doesn’t mean me and B will (or even have good chemistry). With you being new, just try it out a few times, find the guardrails and open up from there.

With that being said, I write my reviews as a blend but each does it their way. I don’t care if it get a lot of views, comments, or likes. I view my reviews either as a warning to myself to avoid a someone who I had a bad time with or flashback I’d that girl is back in town.

I try to provide some info at start of what to expect then at end, a general breakdown of why yes or no. Everyone does it different.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Don’t know anything about what you look like or your hygiene but that could definitely be important to the girl. I’ll just tell you what I do and I seem to get most of what I want, not all the time, but mostly. I’ve been in Sales for 25 years and an important component of that is overcoming objections, so I like to take any objection out of the equation during my visits. when I make a visit, I’m clean-shaven, takes the they don’t want you to do DATY out. my fingernails are clipped, that takes away the they don’t want you to do FIV. I shaved/trim balls and ass so they don’t have to stop mid BJ to pull a hair out and make it more enticing for Tuma for them. I brush/floss/mouthwash at home and let them know that, but always take another shower with them for their peace of mind. I have straight white teeth and I go to the gym about four days a week just to stay toned and in shape. put a couple squirts of Versace cologne on, not too heavy. What I’m saying is, those first three seconds when you step inside the door, they are already making up their mind what kind of session they’re going to give each guy. You’d be surprised how many girls tell me that guys walk in stinking and have bad breath. are you the best version of who you can be when you walk in that door? If not, make some adjustments and you’ll see your sessions get better.

Also it helps if you’re confident and have a little game.
I know with Selena I jumped blind glad I did cuz sometimes keeping good things to yourself is better
I have higher winning chance on that you read promotional reviews.
I have higher winning chance on that you read promotional reviews. Originally Posted by AsianP
Sorry, but what do you mean by promotional reviews?
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Sorry, but what do you mean by promotional reviews? Originally Posted by InNOut

Agree with LoneRinger below
I noticed your encounter report was for 30 minutes with Connie. I would suggest taking an hour to have time for more activities. And note that while I love me some Connie, she has boundaries and is more of a gentle lady than a wild cat.
HenrySwanson's Avatar
Some of these reviews you can believe, but some you just can't. You're going to have to build your own personal list of who's a promoter, who's an honest reviewer and who just comes onto this board to spew their diarrhea of the mouth onto all of our eyes.

BB's advice is supreme. This aren't street walkers or car dates, these are courtesans, ladies, and if you treat them any less than you would your wife or GF the day you fell in love with them, expect the lesser experience. I get away with not having to shower with some of these girls, adds some bonus time to the encounter. They can tell I smell good and am clean and just want to get down with me ASAP. Not sure how I do it, but it happens about 50% of the time.

I try to romance every girl I see and I usually have a great experience. Sometimes I don't click with them, sometimes they don't click with me, so I just get my nut and bounce and write it off as who never to see again. But the girls I click with I go back and back and back and it only ever gets better. Building rapport with a girl can pay off in the long run.
Funny that someone mentioned hygiene and grooming which may appear obvious to address but I've seriously never even contemplated shaving my pubic hair (looked like a rats' nest) until years after my first pay-for-play encounter. And the only reason was because the girl had brought it up.
Stressfree1's Avatar
Funny that someone mentioned hygiene and grooming which may appear obvious to address but I've seriously never even contemplated shaving my pubic hair (looked like a rats' nest) until years after my first pay-for-play encounter. And the only reason was because the girl had brought it up. Originally Posted by valiantpenguin
Haha, I can't imagine the amount of hairy asses that the girls hate to lick during Tuma. Trim up folks
I noticed your encounter report was for 30 minutes with Connie. I would suggest taking an hour to have time for more activities. And note that while I love me some Connie, she has boundaries and is more of a gentle lady than a wild cat. Originally Posted by LoneRinger
Thanks for the recommendation. I will take this into consideration the next time I am thinking of booking someone.

The only reason I did 30 was because I wasn't sure what to expect. My thought process was to try them out for half an hour, and if I liked what I got, do an hour next time. It was an attempt to save money.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Thanks for the recommendation. I will take this into consideration the next time I am thinking of booking someone.

The only reason I did 30 was because I wasn't sure what to expect. My thought process was to try them out for half an hour, and if I liked what I got, do an hour next time. It was an attempt to save money. Originally Posted by InNOut
Dude, when I was new, I did the exact same thing. It was the last time I ever did a 30 minute session, one hour every time after that. During that 30 minute session, I don’t think the girl did Tuma and one or two other things and I was like WTF are we gonna do this and that and she said that I only did 30 minutes, next time do an hour. I took her advice and have booked an hour ever since, never booked with her again though.

As a noobie to mongering/studio, I've done extensive research on some of these girls. There are many really good reviews for many girls. Some reviews have really good descriptions and the services provided seem to be amazing, almost porn like.

I'm not calling the sessions terrible, they are still good. They aren't just as mind blowing as some of the reviews make it out to be. Some of these reviews are very very descriptive and reading them draws me into booking the girl. I get there and the session is like a Tinder hookup, not like a porn scene like the reviews imply.

However, when I actually try out some of these girls, the experience is different. Not in a bad way of course, just not like the reviews. Some, not all, reviews seem a bit exaggerate?

Maybe I'm just ugly as fuck. Originally Posted by InNOut
This is why team boycott exists
veloztec's Avatar
A lot of reviews here are Fake, done by Pimps and Promoters paid by K-Agency $ per review.

Like Armydude and Ghostrider, those are pimps who would even sell their mother’s 3 holes here on Eccie for some cash.

I heard Chung Tran is a big pimp master too, but at least that guy is decent. The minions are more nasty.

Just be smart reading reviews and use your brain, read as many as possible and evaluate.

The Long Novel fictions and nasty Writers (white knights) are easy to tell.

Bring your glock or smith wesson too to the appointments if you have concealed carry - although some Studios are very safe and friendly.

Eccie itself is great Board, I have a lot of friends here. Just watch out for those motherfuckers with aforementioned handles, and they have many handles.