[Local] Autumn

After a week of not getting very warm, suffice to say, it is finally autumn. Pumpkin spice everything. Crunchy leaves... and most important of all, it's really quiet. The best part about the end of the year, and winter, aside from the snow, is how quiet it gets. Especially at night, once there is a blanket of snow everywhere, you can't hear the screams of the crazies a block over. Nature's insulation. At least where I'm at, that's how it is. And the biggest part, is that it snuck up on me. Hardly noticed until I took a look myself.

Turkeys are in the store, pumpkins too. Anyone ever try to make pumpkin pie from real pumpkin? So much better than store bought pumpkin, or canned pumpkin pure.

Quick recipe for home made pumpkin pie.

1. Go to the store and pick up a can of pumpkin pure. Not the pumpkin pie cans, but the pure. Look at the quick little recipe for pie on the can. Buy everything it says, then put the can back.

2. You'll need a pumpkin about as big as your head. Pie crust (frozen is fine), a can of evaporated milk. 'Pumpkin spice', which is just your own personal preference of allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and a dash of ginger
3. Cut the pumpkin in half, top ways down from the stem. It doesn't need to be perfect, just two half spheres.

4. Gut it. Save the seeds and pulp if you want to make roasted salty or sweet seeds

5. Sprinkle some salt and a tiny rub of oil on the flesh. Put on a baking sheet (you don't need to use non-stick foil tbh) flesh side down at 350 degrees for an hour.
6. After an hour, remove from the oven and let cool.
7. Letting it cool is optional, because some people don't abide by the rules and think they know better. Regardless, once cool, take a big spoon and scoop out the pumpkin flesh into a big bowl.

8. Mash it like potatoes. Mash to your liking, I find that you don't really need to puree it until it is homogenized (no homo). Having some texture and consistency makes the pie much better. We aren't making a true custard pie, and you're going to need to mash it more later.
9. Freeze it if you want. The puree will last in the freezer until your MREs run out if you adhere to that necessary logic anyway!

Now for the pie.
1. Beat an egg, set it aside. Still in the bowl, mind you.
2. Combine the puree and the canned milk.
3. Mix in about 1 tsp of allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp ginger 1/2 cup sugar or brown sugar (or to taste for everything. Less nutmeg and ginger will get you more an apple-y flavor)
4. Combine the eg

5. Pour into pie crust, top with a dash of allspice, cinnamon and nutmeg on top - no need to mix it, just put on top for flavor and looks. Bake 400 degrees for 15 mins, then drop it down to 350 for an hour

One pumpkin should give you 3-5 cups of puree. I prefer to go for smaller pumpkins, and when pouring into the pie it is almost always less than what you'd get with the puree pre-flavored in the pie cans. Personally I don't like an over filled pie that is almost level with the rim of the crust. Too easy to spill . I like some crusty crust instead of pumpkin custard infused crust.

Each to his own. Enjoy your quiet pumpkin pie and a respite from all the noise that has been summer.
Farmers market, bought two small pie pumpkins. $2 each. Can pay a little bit more if you go to Kuhns.

Also bought a pie there... so now I have two pumpkins and one pie. Think I might make pumpkin soup first this year.

Really tempted to try to make a pumpkin-apple pie like the one shown in this video. Looks delicious. Last year he showed a potato-apple pie, which was amazingly filling and hardly tasted different from a traditional apple pie.
... Just "More Filling"... :

... Tomorrow I will add me turkey recipe for yer holiday meal.

#### Salty
... Just "More Filling"... :

... Tomorrow I will add me turkey recipe for yer holiday meal.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

I look forward to it. Just hope it's not too Salty.

I'll see myself out after that one

I've started to buy the boneless turkey breast that appears seasonally. At least I find that is less work than having to do a whole turkey with bones. A 3lb bird boob is well enough for two people with some leftovers.
flows-with-water's Avatar
Pumpkin pies at Costco. Pheasant season comes in on Saturday. I have a good dog. Will hunt with a couple other guys. Water cools off for some fall trout season. Worst things the falling leaves camouflage the mtn bike trails and when wet they are really fkn slippy
I look forward to it. Just hope it's not too Salty.

I'll see myself out after that one

I've started to buy the boneless turkey breast that appears seasonally. At least I find that is less work than having to do a whole turkey with bones. A 3lb bird boob is well enough for two people with some leftovers. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

... Crikey! ... Ya just ruined me recipe!
THAT was what I was gonna suggest!
Now I surely will look at something else.

... But you're forgiven, mate - It's YOUR thread...

#### Salty
Hematoma's Avatar
ona...thanks for the great recipe! I'm going to give it try!

Also, I'm just pleased to finally look in this forum and find a joyous thread like this.
ona...thanks for the great recipe! I'm going to give it try!

Also, I'm just pleased to finally look in this forum and find a joyous thread like this. Originally Posted by Hematoma

Indeed, I was all, 'kaloo kalay o frabjous day!' when I noticed what a joyous autumn it has become.

Though I may had gone overboard... Two weeks ago I picked up a pecan pie from the market, then a really killer apple pie from an apple festival, now I bought a blueberry-apple pie and I have two pumpkins to make...

Hey, pie is good. Could eat at MCDs or other crap fast food and get the same sugar content. I am just preferring my sugar to come from a hand baked pie than from shitty food. Each to his own, though.

Not going to turn my furnace on until November 1 though. Can I? Yea. But I can also put on another layer when I'm lazing about at home too and with a warm drink, it makes a world of difference.
eyecu2's Avatar
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. I love that it's about being thankful for all that we are given and enjoy daily. Not receiving gifts, but enjoying time with our family, our homes, our freedom and of course the company of friends who make our lives more fulfilling. Plus the delicious food and the comma of football and leftovers while holding down the couch.

I hope you all enjoy your holiday and have the best thanksgiving ever.
After halving or carving your pumpkin, scoop the seeds out. Put them in some water and use your hands to remove any remaining big pieces of pulp attached to them.

Put enough water to cover the seeds, and then some. Add about 1/2 tsp of salt per two cups of water you use.

Boil for 10 minutes, stir on occasion to prevent over boiling.
Drain (can use a collider, like you are making pasta). Pat dry.
Preheat oven to 350. Put seeds on a tray. Sprinkle some extra salt on it if you wish, but because you gave them a brine bath, that isn't necessary
Bake for 45-50 minutes. If you are making pumpkin puree, you can roast the seeds at the same time.

Remove, let cool, put in something air tight.

God, these are some good fucking pumpkin seeds.