Encounter: Tall and Terrific Tiffany

Date: 10/19
Name: Tiffany
Phone: 469-875-6657
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://www.blossom-k.com/tiffany
City: FB
State: -
Address: 635/Luna
Activities: See ROS
Hair Length and Color: Dark Brown, was up most of time but seemed to go down to mid back.
Age: Mid-late 30s.
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Extremely tall and I would say she is in the 5 6-8ish range and she is likely 115-125lb but her frame handles it well, with no rolls or hangover. Nice MM that I would say are on the larger end of Cs. She is the lady in the pics, they are PS and I would not be shocked if she was in the 37-42ish range. She is good looking for her age, and build with fairly descent English skills as well.
Recommendation: Yes
BoneHome777's Avatar
Outstanding review AD. Thanks for the intel.
  • Hsing
  • 10-21-2023, 02:07 PM
I got my PA credit so I was able to read the juicy details of your Tiffany encounter, Armydude and I am glad you confirmed it is easy being appreciative of her physique and personality

Allow me to comment on your description. My impression is that she is not extremely tall. , she is taller than most Asian girls but not much above average for white ladies. That was a plus for me. I found her body , very appealing , and a welcomed change from the rest of Asian beauties surrounding us.

Age is such a subjective thing, and my impression was that she is much younger than your assessment, but I am probably way less versed than you or others though I play in this game for a long time.

I think, luckily, we had chemistry , or something, and I plan to visit her again before she leaves. Thanks for the info on her departure.
I like the pics,better looking than average k girls. She has any ink?